Taiwan Space Agency(TASA)

Structure and Mechanism Section(SMS)

Wu Wei-Chuan

Research Field

Aerospace Technology, Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics


Mr. Wu Wei-Chuan has served as the structure and mechanism engineer and worked at the Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) since 2016/06.  In the period involved the FORMOSAT-5 RSI Structure Analysis, FORMOSAT-7 Satellite Program Acoustic Ananysis, FORMOSAT-8 Satellite Structure Analysis/Vibration Test ,and Beyond 5G Satellite Structure Analysis/Vibration Test.  Furthermore, the reduction vibration  research and develope focus on damper material and tune mass damper mechanism design and test.

The laboratory is concerned with theoretical knowledge as well as the development of new tools and methods capable of bringing solutions to practical problems in the launcher vehicle vibration environment. Related research and education are focused on Vibrations, Acoustics, Structural Dynamics, and Shock. Besides developing the mechanism item such as non-explosive actuator (NEA), SADM(Solar Array Deploy Mehchanism), Tune Mass Damper (TMD), and CFRP design and manufacture.

Research Topics
  • Vibration Dynamics
  • Satellite and Component Structure Analysis Techniques
  • Satellite Vibration Plan, Test, and Dynamic Analysis
  • Reduction Vibration Development, Test, and Validation
  • Satellite Mechanical Design Assurance
  • Satellite Acoustic Modeling and Analysis


TASA /FORMOSAT-7 Satellite Program, Acoustic Ananysis Engineer

TASA /FORMOSAT-8 Satellite Program, Structure Ananysis Engineer

TASA /FORMOSAT-8 Satellite Program, Structure Test Model Conductor

TASA /Beyond 5G Satellite Program, Structure Ananysis Engineer

TASA /Beyond 5G Satellite Program, Structure Test Model Conductor

Educational Background
  • M.S. in Power and Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan
  • B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

1 Vacancy

Job Description

  • Satellite component structure analysis.
  • Vibration reduction test set up and data analysis.

Preferred Intern Education Level

  • Bachelor student or above
  • Major in mechanical or civil engineer

Skill sets or Qualities

  • Acceptable English skill in oral and writing. 
  • Basic ability in MS office. 
  • With basic knowledge about structural mechanics
  • Familiar with one of the CAE software to modeling ( HyperWorks, Patran, Ansys or Apex)