Fu Jen Catholic University


劉維民/Wei-Min Liu

Research Field



Principal Investigator, Group Leader

I am a well-trained chemist with a research background in various areas of research. My expertise includes the development of synthetic methods, design and synthesis of antibacterial drugs, protein expression and modification, and the use of paramagnetic NMR techniques to investigate interactions between proteins and molecules, including small molecules and proteins. Currently, our research projects revolve around molecular design, where we utilize organic synthesis to create innovative molecular structures and explore the properties of synthesized molecules for functional applications.

Graduate Student
We invite talented college graduates with backgrounds in organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and analytical chemistry to join our team at FJCU and pursue their academic goals as PhD students.  You can find detailed information on the FJCU graduate program website or reach out to us via email for further inquiries.

Visiting graduate student
Joint graduate students are also welcome to work in our group at FJUCU. Students who are interested in this program can send an email to us to discuss education plans in detail.

Research Topics

WML Lab's research focus on developing new synthetic methods, prodrug design for neurodegenerative diseases, and chemical tools for visualizing biomolecules of interest. 

1) Development of fluorescent toolboxes for proteins of interest.

2) Development of molecular modulators that can modulate the protein aggregation process. 

3) Development of new synthetic methodologies for the synthesis of bioactive bio-molecules.

We very welcome young talented students who are interested in the development of functional molecules in the biological area to pursue their academic goals in our team at FJCU.


2023 國科會補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才

2022 Fu Jen Catholic University 111 Academic Year - Teaching Excellence Award

2022 Fu Jen Catholic University Recruiting and Retaining Outstanding Talent Award

2008 48th National and Private High School Science Fair Excellent Work from Ministry of Education R. O. C.

2007 Outstanding Graduate Research Poster Award from the Department of Chemistry, NTU (awarded to top 20% research excellence)

2007 Excellent Oral Presentation Award from the Department of Chemistry, NTU (awarded for clarity of oral presentation)

2006 Excellent Organic Graduate Research Poster Award from Chinese Chemical Society (awarded to top 15% research posters nationwide)

Educational Background

Work and Research Experience

2022 - Present Associate Professor, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan

2016 - 2022 Assistant Professor, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan

2015 - 2015 Researcher, Sunny Pharmatech., Taiwan

2014 - 2015 Postdoctoral researcher, Oxford University, U.K.


2013 Ph.D. Leiden University, The Netherlands.

2007 M.A. National Taiwan University.

2005 B.A. National Taiwan Normal University.