Tamkang University

Molecular and Developmental Biology Laboratory

Yau-Hung Chen

Research Field



My research interests are listed below:  

1: digging out the antiangiogenic hits from either known chemicals or chemical library;

2: studying the cardiovascular-related genes or SNP from human and zebrafish;

3: trying to find new anti-coagulants.

The goal of our lab is to dig out anti-angiogenic hits from our synthesized chemicals. At first, we will use zebrafish embryos for the first, fat screen, and then apply those hits in a chick model for double confirmed.

Research Topics


Developmental biology

Molecular Biology


Cell culture



SDB Teaching Faculty Travel Grant Award: 

Chen YH*, Yu TH, Sonic hedgehog signaling promotes cell cycle progression and consequently causes epidermis dysplasia of the zebrafish embryos. Dev. Biol. 306: A76, SDB 66th Annual Meeting June 16-20, Cancun, Mexico. (2007)

The Best Poster Award (selected):

  1. Li WJ, Wang YH, Cheng CC, Chen YH* Leading-drug discovery: using zebrafish embryos as a whole organism platform to screen the ruthenium-derived compounds. Fifteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Feb. 01-03, Kenting, Taiwan. (2007)
  2. Wu HJ, Yu TH, Chen YH* Overexpression of Sonic hedgehog leads to cell cycle progression and consequently causes epidermis dysplasia. The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, Dec. 20, Taipei, Taiwan. (2008)
  3. Ding YJ, Chen YH* Screening of the chemopreventive compounds against kidney injury from natural products. Taiwan Testing and Quality Assurance Association, Nov. 07, Taipei, Taiwan. (2012)
  4. Lin ZY, Chen YH* N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor plays a role during zebrafish myogenesis. The Twenty-eight Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, Mar. 23-24, Taipei, Taiwan. (2013)

Educational Background

Higher Education(University and above: Start from the latest one.)
1997-2001 PhD, Institute of Fisheries Sciences, National Taiwan University
1995-1997 MS, Institute of Biochemistry, National Taiwan University
1989-1993 BS, Department of Medical Technology, National Taiwan University

Previous Employment (Start from the latest one.)

2025 (Jan-March) Visiting Professor, Department of Stem Cell Biology,  Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki University, Japan
2019-present  Professor and Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Tamkang University
2019 (July)  Visiting scholar, Department of Biological Sciences, UMass Lowell, MA, USA
2015-2019   Professor and Chairman, Bachelor’s Program in Advanced Material Sciences, TKU
2010-2015   Professor, Department of Chemistry, Tamkang University
2009-2010   Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Tamkang University
2007-2009   Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Life Sciences, Tamkang University
2004-2007   Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Life Sciences, Tamkang University
2003-2004   Postdoc, Institute of Molecular Cellular Biology, National Taiwan University
2002-2003   Visiting Scholar, Institute of Neurosciences, University of Oregon, USA
2001-2002   Postdoc, Institute of Fisheries Sciences, National Taiwan University

2 Vacancies

Job Description

The routine work in our lab includes fish care, RNA extraction, protein extraction, immunostaining, cell culturing, and CAM assay. The applicant who is interested in learning the skills mentioned above would be welcome.

Preferred Intern Education Level

UG, Master, PhD students are welcome!!

Skill sets or Qualities

Applicant who has experiences on cell culture, ELISA, flow cytometry would be appreciated.