National Central University

Applied Phtonics Labortory

Chii-Chang Chen

Research Field



Chii-Chang Chen received B.S. degree in Department of Electrical Engineering of Tamkang University in 1991. After two-year experience of teaching assistant in Tamkang University, he studied French for one year in Universite Bordeaux III and DEA d’electronique for one year in Universite Bordeaux I in France. His research topic in this period was to design a BiCMOS circuit for studying the signals transmitting between neurons of lobsters. He received his Ph. D. degree in Sciences for Engineer from Universite de Franche-Comte (Besancon, France) in 1998. His dissertation work dealt with modification of polarization-independent modulators in LiNbO3 by laser ablation. In 1998, he worked in Laboratoire d'Optique P.M. Duffieux of Besancon to study high-speed LiNbO3 modulators. In 1999, he became a post-doctoral fellow in National Central University (NCU, Taiwan) to study GaN materials. From 2002, he joined Institute of Optical Sciences of National Central University as an assistant professor (Taiwan). Since 2005, he became an associate professor in IOS-NCU. Since 2009, he became a professor. He became a distinguished professor of NCU since 2010. He joined Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena(Germany) as a visiting researcher in 2005 for 3 months and in 2007 for half month. He joined Universite Paris 13 (France) as a visiting researcher in 2006, 2007, 2011, 2018 and 2019 for 1 month, respectively. He joined University of Central Florida as a visiting researcher in 2012. He joined Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electronica, Mexico in 2016 as a visiting researcher in 2016. He joined the editorial board of Scientific Reports since 2017. He received the NSC Wu Ta-You memorial award in 2006. In 2008, he received Ritek young optical engineering award from Taiwan Optical Engineering Society. In 2021, he received the Future Tech Award from Minister of Science and Technology of Taiwan. With the guitarist Da-Jen Jou, they received the third ensemble prize of the guitar competition from Taiwan Guitar Society in 2021. His current research interests are all-optical artificial intelligence computer, photonic crystals, nano-optics, passive components for WDM fiber-optic communications and acoustics of musical instruments.

Our research topics include the all-optical artificial intelligence computer, photonic crystals, nano-optics, passive components for WDM fiber-optic communications and acoustics of musical instruments. Our laboratory possesses the newest version softwares for design of the nano-optics devices and optical logic gates. 10 master and undergraduate students are working in the research group.

Research Topics

The current research interests are all-optical artificial intelligence computer, photonic crystals, nano-optics, passive components for WDM fiber-optic communications and acoustics of musical instruments.


Future Tech Award from Minister of Science and Technology of Taiwan (2021/10).
Third ensemble prize of the guitar competition from Taiwan Guitar Society (2021/11).
Taiwan Innotech Expo Invention Competition Silver Prize from Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C., 2022.
Technology Contribution Award from Taiwan Photonics Society, 2022.

Educational Background

Ph. D. degree in Sciences for Engineer from Universite de Franche-Comte (Besancon, France) in 1998

2 Vacancies

Job Description

The intern should have the knowledge of electromagnetism and linear algebra. 

Preferred Intern Education Level

From the third-year undergraduate student to master or Ph. D. students are welcome.

Skill sets or Qualities

Basic physics knowledge, electromagnetism and linear algebra.