National Sun Yat-sen University

VLSI Design Lab.

Chua-Chin Wang

Research Field

Microelectronic Engineering


I am a senior professor who has been working IC design over 30 years. I published over 150 journal papers and 300 conference papers besides 150 granted patents. They are all in the area of IC design and system design.  Major experience is as follows.

VP, Office of Research and Development, NSYSU
Dean, College of Engineering, NSYSU
VP, Office of Industrial Collaboration and Continuing Education Affairs, NSYSU
CEO, Operation Center of University-Industry Cooperation, NSYSU
Chairman, Dept. of EE, NSYSU
Program Director, NSOC and NPIE

VLSI Design Lab. - This is a lab focused on IC and system design in several areas, including power electronics, AI chips, low-power circuit, and communication interfaces

Research Topics

IC design, 

power electronics, 

AI and neural networks, 

communication interfaces


ASE Chair Professor
Distinguished Professor 
IET Fellow 
Best paper awards : 2008 IEEE ICCE, 2011 IEEE PrimeAsia, 2017 IEEE ICDV, 2019 IEEE ISOCC, 2021 IEEE ICICDT
Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE (2019-2021)
Future Tech. Award (2021)
Top 2% Researcher/Scientist in the world by Stanford U. report (2021, 2022)

Educational Background

1984 BS of EE of National Taiwan University, Taiwan; 

1988 MS of EE, SUNY at Stony Brook, USA; 

1992, PhD of EE, SUNY at Stony Brook, USA