National Cheng Kung University

Green Energy and Fuel Laboratory

Chen, Wei-Hsin

Research Field

Energy Technology


Research summary
Journal paper: 660
Patent: 36
International conference paper: 206
Book and Chapter: 14
Number of citations: 34,000 (Scopus)
H-index: 100 (Scopus)
Highly cited papers: 51
Hot paper: 1

Welcome to the “Green Energy and Fuel Laboratory” at National Cheng Kung University, where I serve as an Distinguished Professor. Our lab is dedicated to the development and exploration of the following areas:

Research Area
■ Bioenergy
1.    Torrefaction
2.    Pyrolysis
3.    Liquefaction
4.    Emulsification
5.    Gasification
6.    Combustion
7.    Pretreatment of lignocelluloses for bioethanol production
■ Hydrogen energy
1.    Hydrogen production (steam reforming, partial oxidation, autothermal reforming, thermocatalytic decomposition of methane, water gas shift reaction, gasification)
2.    Hydrogen separation and purification by membrane
■ Clean energy
1.    Thermoelectric generation and cooling
2.    Wind power
3.    Clean coal technology
4.    Carbon dioxide capture and utilization
■ Energy system
1.    Thermodynamic analysis
2.    Optimization (Taguchi method, response surface method, central composite design, ANOVA, big data analysis)
3.    AI and evolutionary computation (particle swam optimization, multi-objective genetic algorithm, Nelder-Mead method)
■ Environmental engineering
1.    Waste heat recovery and energy analysis
2.    Waste incineration
3.    Air pollution
4.    Aerosol physics
■ Pulverized coal injection and ironmaking process

Research Topics

1. Bioenergy (torrefaction, pyrolysis, gasification, liquefaction, bioethanol)
2. Hydrogen energy
3. Clean energy
4. Energy system
5. Environmental engineering
6. Pulverized coal injection and ironmaking process


Honor (2022-2023)
2023 20th National Innovation Award
2023 Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) 2022 Highly Cited Researcher
2023 The World Top 2% Scientist Produced by Stanford University
2023 Special Salary Scheme Award of NCKU
2023 NCKU Innovation Dream Plan - Second Place
2022 Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) 2021 Highly Cited Researcher
2022 The World Top 2% Scientist Produced by Stanford University
2022 Top Cited Article Award– International Journal of Energy Research 2020-2021
2022 Highly Cited Review Papers Award - Applied Energy
2022 Future Technology Award
2022 Taiwan Association for Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell (THEFC) Fellow
2022 Special Salary Scheme Award of NCKU
2022 Excellent Research Award of College of Engineering, NCKU

Educational Background

Philosophy Doctor (September 1989~ June 1993)    
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC

Master of Science (September 1988~ August 1989)
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC

Bachelor of Engineering (September 1984~ June 1988)
Department of Chemical Engineering
Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC