National Chung Hsing University

Laboratory of Urban Entomology

Hou-Feng, Li

Research Field



Hou-Feng Li is a Distinguished Professor at the Department of Entomology, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. degree from the University of Florida, USA and his B.A. degree from the National Taiwan University, Taiwan. His research focuses on termite biology and management. He has published over 80 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters and given over 160 presentations. Hou-Feng received many awards at national and international levels, including the Ta-You Wu Memorial Award (2019) from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, and William L. and Ruth D. Nutting Award for outstanding achievements in basic termite biology (2008) from the International Union for the Study of Social Insects. He served as the President (2018-2020) and Secretary-General (2016-2018) of the Taiwan Entomological Society, and the Secretary-General (2016-2020) of the Pacific Rim Termite Research Group.

Relevant Employment

  • Professor, National Chung Hsing University, Entomology Dept., Aug 2020– present.
  • Associate professor, National Chung Hsing University, Entomology Dept., Feb 2017–Jul 2020.
  • Assistant professor, National Chung Hsing University, Entomology Dept., Aug 2013– Jan 2017.
  • Post-doctoral research associate, National Taiwan University, Entomology Dept., Nov 2012– Jul 2013.
  • Post-doctoral research associate, Academia Sinica, Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Sep 2011– Jul 2012.
  • Post-doctoral research associate, University of Florida, Entomology and Nematology Dept., Jan 2010 –Aug 2011.
  • Research Assistant, University of Florida, Entomology and Nematology Dept., 2004-2009.
  • Research Assistant, National Taiwan University, Entomology Dept., 2003-2004.

Memberships and Affiliations

  • Taiwan Entomological Society (TES), member, 2001-present; Science division, 2013-2014; Publishing Editor of the journal, Formosan Entomologist, 2015-2016; Secretary-General, 2017-2018; President, 2019-2020; Executive Supervisor, 2021-present.
  • Entomological Society of America (ESA), member, 2005-present.
  • Pacific Rim Termite Research Group (PRTRG), member, 2014-present; Secretary-General, April 2016-February 2020; executive committee, Feb 2014- April 2016, February 2020- present.
  • Taiwan Environmental Pest Management Association, member, 2014- present; executive committee, 2016-present.

Teaching Experiences

  • Course instructor of National Chung Hsing University
  1. Urban entomology
  2. Forest entomology
  3. Scientific method for research
  • Guest Lecturer
  1. Lecture of the Ming-Dao Science and Technology Seminar Series. Insect collection methods and experimental designs. Ming-Dao High School. Taichung, Taiwan. April 7th 2014.
  2. Lecturer of the pest control operator training program (病媒防治業專業技術人員訓練), termite biology and control, Environmental Protect Administration, Taiwan. Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan. Mar. 15, 2014,
  3. Lecturer of the Household pest biology and control workshop (1). National Chung Hsing University. Agricultural Extension Center. Nov. 16. 2013.
  4. Guest lecturer of the course, Crop protection: termite and crop protection. National Chung Hsing University. Department of Agronomy. Oct. 18. 2013.
  5. Lecturer, Pest management professional training series: I. Fundamental termite biology; II. Current termite damage status in Taiwan; III. Subterranean termite ecology; IV. Primary tools for termite control; V. Termite morphology and identification; VI. Termite inspection skill in urban and natural environment. All Points Enterprise Co., Ltd. Taipei, Dec. 1, 2012; Jan. 5, 2013; Feb. 2. 2013.
  6. Guest lecturer of the course, Internship of plant medicine: termite identification and damage pattern. National Taiwan University. MS Program for Plant Medicine. (台大植醫學程)Oct. 15. 2012.
  7. Lecturer, Workshop of termite control of historical buildings: common termite pests in Taiwan and their identification. Taiwan Environmental Pest Management Association. (台灣環境有害生物管理協會) Taipei, April 26-27, 2011; Tainan, Dec. 15-16, 2011.
  8. Guest lecturer of the course, Insect ecology: termite biology. Huachiang Wetland Guardian Alliance (華江溼地守護聯盟). 2011 fall.
  9. Guest lecturer of the course, Insect classification: Strepsiptera taxonomy. University of Florida. Entomology and Nematology Dept. 2011 spring.
  10. Guest lecturer of the course, Advanced ecology: urban environment and urban pest. Taipei Municipal University of Education. Graduate School of Environmental Education & Resources. 2010 fall.
  11. Guest lecturer of the course, Insect taxonomy: Isoptera classification. National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. Plan Protection Dept. 2008 summer.
  12. Graduate teaching assistance of the course, Termite biology and control. University of Florida, Entomology and Nematology Dept. 2007 summer.
  13. Guest lecturer and graduate teaching assistance of the course, Urban entomology: termite section. National Taiwan University, Entomology Dept. 2007 summer.

Rencently Research Publications

  • Referred publications (*corresponding author):
  1. 陳冠豫、陳慕璇、邱俊禕、李後鋒*。利用微衛星基因鑑別台灣家白蟻巢群。台灣昆蟲 (minor revision)。
  2. Wu, C.-C., J.-F. Tsai, and H.-F. Li*.2024.Taxonomy of Glyptotermes (Blattodea: Kalotermitidae) in Taiwan. Taiwania. 2024 vol.69 no.1: pp.37-49
  3. Wu, C.-C., J.-F. Tsai, and H.-F. Li*. 2024.Revision of Neotermes (Blattodea: Kalotermitidae) in Taiwan. Taiwania. 2024 vol.69 no.1: pp.24-36 
  4. Chen, G.-Y., S.-Y. Huang, M.-D. Lin, T. Chouvenc, Y.-H. Ching*,and H.-F. Li*, 2023. Hybrids of two destructive subterranean termites established in the field, revealing a potential for gene flow between species. Heredity. (major revision)
  5. 廖浩全、蔡漢祥、陳妤欣、吳佳倩、陳慕璇、李後鋒*。2023。顯微斷層掃描 (Micro CT) 在昆蟲學研究的應用。台灣昆蟲43: 34-48.
  6. Patel, J., T. Chouvenc, C.-C. Wu, H.-F. Li, N.-Y. Su. 2023. Soldier phenotypic differences among two invasive and destructive Coptotermes species and their hybrids (Blattodea: Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Journal of Insect Science. 23 (6): 2 ; 1-14.
  7. Thakur H., S. Agarwal, J. Hradecký, G. Sharma, H.-F. Li, S.-E. Yang, H. Sehadová, R. S. Chandel, M. Hyliš, V. Mathur, J. Šobotník, D. Sillam-Dussès. The trail-following communication in Stylotermes faveolus and S. halumicus (Blattodea, Isoptera, Stylotermitidae). 2023. Journal of Chemical Ecology.
  8. Wanthathaen, C., C.-I Chiu, M.-C. Chiu, S. Leelayouthyotin, P. Krutmuang, H.-F. Li, and Y. Sripontan. 2023. Desiccation tolerance of Termitidae termites in relation to their nest type. Environmental Entomology 52(4): 555-564.
  9. Chiu, C.-I, J.-H. Ou, K.-C. Kuan, C.-Y. Chen, Y.-T. Huang, Y. Sripontan, and H.-F. Li*. 2023. Body size of fungus-growing termites infers on the volume and density of their fungal cultivar. Royal Society Open Science. 10: 230126.
  10. 吳佳倩、李後鋒、葉信廷*。2023。臺大實驗林清水溝及水里營林區白蟻物種多樣性及分布。臺大實驗林研究報告。37(1): 57-66 (2023).
  11. Lai, C.-J., Y.-J. Chen, M.-X. Wu, C.-C. Wu, N.-T. Tang, T.-F. Hsu, S.-H. Lin, H.-F. Li*, and H. Yang*. 2023. Self-cleaning and anti-fogging hierarchical structure arrays inspired by termite wing. Applied Surface Science 616 (2023) 156484.
  12. Huang, S.-Y., Chiu, C.-I, Y.-Y. Tsai, W.-J. Li, C.-C. Wu, and H.-F. Li*. 2022. Nationwide termite pest survey conducted in Taiwan as a citizen science project. Journal of Economic Entomology 115(5): 1650-1658.
  13. Sun, N. C.-M., C.-C. Lin, C.-C. Liang, and H.-F. Li*. 2022. Diet composition of an escaped captive-born southern tamandua Tamandua tetradactyla in a nonnative habitat in Asia. Ecology and Evolution 2022;12:e9175
  14. Chiu, C.-I, B.-Y. Chen, F.-C. Chang, K.-C. Kuan, and H.-F. Li*. 2022. Functional plasticity of foraging shelter tubes built by termites. Environmental Entomology 51(4): 649-659.
  15. Chen, J., C. R. Gissendanner, C.V. Tikhe, H.-F. Li, Q. Sun, and C. Husseneder. 2022. Genomics and geographic diversity of bacteriophages associated with endosymbionts in the guts of workers and alates of Coptotermes species (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10: Article 881538.
  16. 吳佳倩、蔡明哲、葉信廷*、李後鋒*。2022。臺大實驗林下坪熱帶植物園區及溪頭營林區白蟻物種多樣性及分布。臺大實驗林研究報告。36(2) : 155-166.
  17. Lee, W.-Y., K.-Y. Liu, W.-Y. Wu, C.-L. Tsai, W.-A. Wu*, and H.-F. Li*. 2022. Drugstore beetle damage pattern of glue paste–lined oil paintings. Journal of Economic Entomology 115(1): 250-258. [SCI]
  18. Chiu, C.-I, Y.-H. Chuang, W.-R. Liang, H.-T. Yeh, H.-Y. Yang, M.-J. Tsai, N. A. Spomer, H.-F. Li*. 2022. Area-population control of fungus-growing termite, Odontotermes formosanus, using hexaflumuron durable baits. Pest Management Science 78: 104-115. DOI: 10.1002/PS.6612 [SCI]
  19. Huang, J.-H., Y.-T. Liu, H. C. Ni, B.-Y. Chen, S.-Y. Huang, H.-K. Tsai*, and H.-F. Li*. 2021. Termite pest identification method based on deep convolution neural networks. Journal of Economic Entomology 114(6): 2452-2459. [SCI]
  20. Kanzaki, N., H.-F. Li, T. Ekino, Y. Takeuchi-Kaneko, N. Maehara, and T. Aikawa. 2021. Description of Aphelenchoides roulingae n. sp. (Tylenchomorpha: Aphelenchoididae) isolated from Xylocopa collaris sauteri collected from Yilan, Taiwan, with some notes on A. xylocopae Kanzaki, 2006. Nematology 23: 1093-1107 [SCI]
  21. 林玟俊、陳冠豫、邱俊禕、梁維仁、蔡明哲、葉信廷*、李後鋒*。2021。格斯特家白蟻對樹木結構之破壞及再入侵-以下坪熱帶植物園琉球松為例。臺大實驗林研究報告。35(1) : 49-60.
  22. Chiu, C.-I, A. J. Mullins, K.-C. Kuan, M.-D. Lin, N.-Y. Su, and H.-F. Li*. 2021. Termite salinity tolerance and potential for transoceanic dispersal through rafting. Ecological Entomology 46: 106-116. [SCI]
  23. Chen, G.-Y., Y.-L. Ke, W.-R. Liang, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Redescription of Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae), with three new synonyms from China. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae. 60 (2): 599-608. [SCI]
  24. Kuan, K.-C., C.-I Chiu, M.-C. Shih, K.-J. Chi, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Termite’s twisted mandible presents fast, powerful, and precise strikes. Scientific Reports. (2020) 10:9462. [SCI]
  25. Kanzaki, N., W.-R. Liang, C.-I Chiu, and H.-F. Li. 2020. Acrostichus ziaelasi n. sp. (Nematoda: Diplogastridae) isolated from the beetle Ziaelas formosanus, a tenebrionid symbiont of the termite Odontotermes formosanus with remarks on the genus Acrostichus Rahm, 1928. Zoologischer Anzeiger 286 (2020): 20-30. [SCI]
  26. Liang, W.-R., M. Maruyama, T. Kanao, R. Iwata, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Discovery of termitophilous rove beetles associated with Formosan subterranean termite (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae: Coptotermes formosanus) in Taiwan, with the first larval description for the tribe Termitohospitini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae. 60 (1): 77-87. [SCI]
  27. Sun, N. C.-M., F. H.-Y. Lo, B.-Y. Chen, H.-Y. Yu, C.-C. Liang, C.-C. Lin, K. J.-C. Pei, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Digesta retention time and recovery rates of ants and termites in Chinese pangolins (Manis pentadactyla). Zoo Biology. 39(3): 168-175. DOI:10.1002/zoo.21534. [SCI]
  28. 邱俊禕、葉信廷、余瑞珠、李後鋒、蔡明哲。2020。樹種、樹高、胸徑與樹冠幅影響白蟻在樹幹的發生率。臺大實驗林研究報告。34(1): 15-24.
  29. Sun, N. C.-M., C.-C. Liang, B.-Y. Chen, C.-C. Lin, K. J.-C. Pei, and H.-F. Li*. 2019. Comparison of two faecal analysis techniques to assess Formosan pangolin Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla diet. Mammalia. 84(1) : 41-49. DOI: [SCI]
  30. 邱俊禕、李後鋒*。2019。墾丁國家公園內銀合歡拓殖區域之白蟻多樣性及豐度。國家公園學報。29(1): 1-10.
  31. Wu, C.-C., C.-L. Tsai, W.-R. Linag, Y. Takematsu, and H.-F. Li*. 2019. Identification of subterranean termite genus, Reticulitermes (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae) in Taiwan. J. Econ. Entomol. 112(6): 2872–2881. doi: 10.1093/jee/toz183. [SCI]
  32. Kanzaki, N., W.-R. Liang, C.-I Chiu, C.-T. Yang, Y.-P. Hsueh, and H.-F. Li*. 2019. Nematode-free agricultural system of a fungus-growing termite. Scientific Reports. (2019) 9:8917. [SCI]
  33. Chiu, C.-I, J.-H. Ou, C.-Y. Chen, and H.-F. Li*. 2019. Fungal nutrition allocation enhances its mutualism with fungus-growing termite. Fungal Ecology 41: 92-100.[SCI]
  34. 邱奕寧、邱俊禕、梁維仁、蔡明哲、葉信廷*、李後鋒*。2019。臺大實驗林之入侵種格斯特家白蟻海拔分布普查。臺大實驗林研究報告。33(1) : 23-32.
  • Book and book chapters
  1. Li, H.-F. and C.-C. Wu. 2023. Chapter 3, Taxonomic status of Coptotermes formosanus and related species. pp. 26-39. In: Su, N.-Y. and C.-Y. Lee (eds). Biology and management of the Formosan subterranean termites and related species. CABI, Boston.
  2. Chouvenc, T. and H.-F. Li. 2023. Hybridization between Coptotermes formosanus and Coptotermes gestroi. pp. 353-364. In: Su, N.-Y. and C.-Y. Lee (eds). Biology and management of the Formosan subterranean termites and related species. CABI, Boston.
  3. Li, H.-F. 2020. Stylotermitidae. In: Starr C. (eds) Encyclopedia of Social Insects. Springer, Cham.
  4. Chao, J.-T., H.-F. Li, and C.-C. Lin. 2020. Chapter 3, The role of pangolins in ecosystems. pp. 43-48. In Challender et al. (ed), Pangolins, Elsevier, London.

Oral and poster presentations at professional meetings

  • Invited seminars
  1. Hsiang-Chun Liu and Hou-Feng Li. 2023. Vertical distribution of termite in soil profile of pangolin habitats. The 71st Annual Meeting of the ESA. National Harbor, MD. Nov. 5-8. 2023.
  2. Chen, G.-Y., S.-Y. Huang, S.-E. Yang, M.-D. Lin, T. Chouvenc, Y.-H. Ching ,and H.-F. Li, 2023.Competition and hybridization between Formosan and Asian subterranean termites in Taiwan. The 71st Annual Meeting of the ESA. National Harbor, MD. Nov. 5-8. 2023.
  3. Chen, G.-Y., S.-Y. Huang, M.-D. Lin, T. Chouvenc, Y.-H. Ching ,and H.-F. Li, 2023. Hybridization between Formosan and Asian subterranean termites in Taiwan. 3rd International Conference of the Subterranean Termite, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Hawaii, USA, Sep 18-19, 2023.
  4. Li, H.-F. 2023. The food web anchored to termite-fungus mutualism: reproductive strategies and time sequences of termite, fungi, and pangolins. Department of Plant Pathology, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan. Feb 24, 2023.
  5. Li, H.-F. 2023. Termites’ diverse morphology, behavior, and architectures. Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan. National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. Jan 17, 2023.
  6. Li, H.-F. 2023. Reproductive strategies and timing of termite, fungus, and pangolin. 2023 Congress of Animal Behavior and Ecology. Tung Hai University, Taichung, Taiwan. Jan 16, 2023.
  7. Li, H.-F. 2023. 以Micro CT 探索白蟻大顎高速彈擊的奧秘. 台達微米級電腦斷層造影中心揭幕. Taoyuan, Taiwan. Jan 13, 2023.
  8. Li, H.-F. 2022. Termite pest status in Taiwan and novel management strategies. Kaohsiung Pest Control Association, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Dec. 2. 2022.
  9. Li, H.-F. 2022. Termite ecology and identification. Daxi Wood Art Ecomuseum, Taoyuan, Taiwan. Nov. 7. 2022.
  10. Li, H.-F. 2022. Urban termite pest and their control. National Museum of Taiwan History, Tainan, Taiwan. Nov. 3. 2022.
  11. Li, H.-F. 2022. Citizen science, artificial intellectual, and customer behavior analysis methods applied on urban entomological researches. 行政院環境保護署 環境用藥及病媒防治技術研討會. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Oct. 28. 2022.
  12. Li, H.-F. 2022. Arboreal termite and their management. Agricultural Department, HsinChu County Government. Virtual seminar series, Oct. 14. 2022.
  13. Li, H.-F. 2022. Coexisting with termites in urban environment. Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 2. 2022.
  14. Li, H.-F. 2022. Termites in urban environment. Taiwan Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan. Sep. 29. 2022.
  15. Li, H.-F. 2022. Formosan fungus-growing termite and its agricultural system. Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan. Sep. 24. 2022.
  16. Li, H.-F. 2022. Identification of invasive termite pest. 植物檢疫有害生物鑑定教育訓練. Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, Taichung, Taiwan. Sep. 7 and 14. 2022.
  17. Li, H.-F. 2022. My journey of studying termite biology. National Taiwan Science Education Center, Taipei, Taiwan. Aug. 14. 2022.
  18. Li, H.-F. 2022. Termite citizen science project in Taiwan. Taipei City Youth Development and Family Education Center, Taipei, Taiwan. Aug. 13. 2022.
  19. Li, H.-F. 2022. Termitophile biology and diversity; Termites in trees and their control; Macrotermitinae and Termitomyces; Citizen science and artificial intelligence; Biodiversity southeast Asian termite diversity. Jun. 23-30. 2022. International Termite Course. University of Florida, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.
  20. Li, H.-F. 2022. Artificial intellectual termite identification system applied on ecological and pest management researches. Taiwan Power Company. Virtual seminar, Jun. 10. 2022.
  21. Li, H.-F. 2022. Prevention and management of termite infestation. Corteva invited seminar. Trans World University, Douliu, Yunlin, Taiwan, Mar. 13. 2022.
  22. Li, H.-F. 2022. The food web anchored to termite-fungus mutualism. National Taiwan Normal University, School of Life Science, Taipei, Taiwan. Mar. 4. 2022.
  23. Li, H.-F. 2021. The food web anchored to termite-fungus mutualism. National Taiwan University, Department of Life Science, Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 8. 2021.
  24. Li, H.-F., 2020. My early career planning of being an entomologist in Taiwan. The 68th Annual Meeting of the ESA. Taiwanese Entomologist Association Meeting. Virtual seminar. Nov. 14. 2020.
  25. Li, H.-F., 2020. Development of mission-oriented termite researches in Taiwan. Taiwan Agricultural Chemicals and Toxic Substances Research Institute (TACTRI). Nov. 08. 2020.
  26. Li, H.-F., 2020. How do fungus-growing termites control nematode pest in their agriculture system? Indonesian Entomological Society, Virtual seminar: Insects and their environmental management. Aug. 11. 2020.
  • Submitted presentations
  1. Liao, H.-C., H.-H. Tsai, Y.-H. Chen, C.-C. Wu, M.-X. Chen, H.-F. Li*. Micro computed tomography in entomological research. The 44rd Annual Meeting of the TES. Chiayi, Taiwan. Oct. 21-22. 2023.
  2. Liu, R.-H., W.-R. Liang, C.-I. Chui, H.-C. Liao, C.-C. Lin, H.-T. Yeh, H.-F. Li*. Ecological niches and caste development of Stylotermes halumicus (Blattodea: Stylotermitidae). The 44rd Annual Meeting of the TES. Chiayi, Taiwan. Oct. 21-22. 2023.
  3. Yang, S.-E. and H.-F. Li*.Impact of global warming on food resource competition between Formosan and Asian subterranean termites (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae). The 44rd Annual Meeting of the TES. Chiayi, Taiwan. Oct. 21-22. 2023.
  4. Li, W.-J., Y.-N. Chiu, H.-F. Li*. Reproductive castes development of Prorhinotermes flavus (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae). The 44rd Annual Meeting of the TES. Chiayi, Taiwan. Oct. 21-22. 2023.
  5. Wang, Yi-Yu, K.-C. Kuan, T.-C. Liu, C.-I Chiu, H.-F. Li, and K.-J. Chi. 2024 Twisting tale of termite’s elastic mandibles: Conceptual modeling for mechanics. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Seattle, WA, USA, January 2-6, 2024.
  6. Wu, C.-C., C.-I Chiu, W.-R. Liang, H.-T. Yeh, and H.-F. Li* 2023. Long-term effects of baits on the foraging activity of a fungus-growing termite, Odontotermes formosanus (Blattodea: Termitidae) The 14th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Bangkok, Thailand. Mar. 2-3. 2023.
  7. Chen G.-Yu and H.-F. Li*. 2023 Non-mendelian families of Formosan subterranean termite found in Taiwan. The 14th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Bangkok, Thailand. Mar. 2-3. 2023.
  8. Wang, Y.-Y., T.-C. Liu, C.-I. Chiu, K.-C. Kuan, H.-F. Li, and K.-J. Chi. 2023. Termite’s elastic mandibles: Conceptual modeling for mechanics. The 14th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Bangkok, Thailand. Mar. 2-3. 2023.
  9. Chen, M.-X., T. Tomita, W.-S. Li, and H.-F. Li*. 2022. Evaluating productivity of edible termite fed with spent mushroom substrate. The Annual Meeting of the Plant Protection Society of Republic of China. Taichung, Taiwan. Dec. 5. 2022.
  10. Lin, W.-J. and H.-F. Li*. 2022. Colony foraging area and breeding structure of Odontotermes formosanus. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the TES. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Oct. 22-23. 2022.
  11. Chen, M.-X., T. Tomita, and H.-F. Li*. 2022. The possibility of decompose spent mushroom substrate with soil feeding termite. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the TES. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Oct. 22-23. 2022.
  12. Li, H.-F.*, and C.-C. Wu, and G.-Y. Chen. 2022. Current status of invasive termites in Taiwan. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the TES. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Oct. 22-23. 2022.
  13. Chiu, C.-I, Y.-H. Chuang, W.-R. Liang, H.-T. Yeh, H.-Y. Yang, M.-J. Tsai, N. A. Spomer, H.-F. Li*. 2021. Application of hexaflumuron termite bait in controlling fungus-growing termites. The 42nd Annual Meeting of the TES. Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 23-24. 2021.
  14. Chiu, Y.-N., C.-I Chiu, C.-Y. Liu, M.-D. Lin, H.-F. Li*. 2021. Dual-dispersal strategy of oceanic termite. The 42nd Annual Meeting of the TES. Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 23-24. 2021.
  15. Wu C.-C., J.-F. Tsai, H.-F. Li*. 2021. Taxonomy of Neotermes (Blattodea: Kalotermitidae) in Taiwan. The 42nd Annual Meeting of the TES. Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 23-24. 2021.
  16. Chen, G.-Y., S.-Y. Huang, Y.-H. Ching, H.-F. Li*. 2021. Species barrier between Formosan and Asian subterranean termites. The 42nd Annual Meeting of the TES. Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 23-24. 2021.
  17. Chen, Y., C. Gissendanner, C. Tikhe, H.-F. Li, Q. Sun, and C. Husseneder. 2021. Genomics and geographic diversity of bacteriophages associated with endosymbionts in the guts of workers and alates of Coptotermes species (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae). American Society for Microbiology meeting (ASM Microbe 2021, World Microbe Forum, virtual) June 20-24, 2021.
  18. Kuan, K.-C., C.-I Chiu, M.-C. Shih, K.-J. Chi, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. The snapping behavior and biomechanics of termite’s twisted mandibles. The 41st Annual Meeting of the TES. Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 17-18. 2020.
  19. Chiu, C.-I, A. J. Mullins, K.-C. Kuan, M.-D. Lin, N.-Y. Su, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Termite salinity tolerance and potential for transoceanic dispersal through rafting. The 41st Annual Meeting of the TES. Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 17-18. 2020.
  20. Lin, C.-H., C.-H. Wei, M.-M. Yang, W.-C. Chu, H.-Y. Cheng, H.-F. Li, J.-T. Chao, and I-C. Chen. 2020. Workshop on IUCN Red List assessment of butterflies in Taiwan. The 41st Annual Meeting of the TES. Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 17-18. 2020.
  21. Liang, W.-R., C.-I Chiu, N. Kanzaki, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. A convergent termite symbiotic lifestyle in beetle, nematode, and fungus. The 41st Annual Meeting of the TES. Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 17-18. 2020.
  22. Liu, K.-Y., C.-L. Tsai, L.-W. Wu, M.-E. Chen, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Rhinotermitidae-dominant Flagellates Pseudotrichonympha sp. and Cthulhu sp. In Stylotermitidae suggest evolutionary history of Neoisoptera. The 41st Annual Meeting of the TES. Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 17-18. 2020.
  23. Chen, G.-Y., S.-Y. Huang, Y.-H. Ching, M.-D. Lin, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Natural hybridization of Formosan and Asian subterranean termites in Taiwan. The 41st Annual Meeting of the TES. Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 17-18. 2020.
  24. Lin, W.-J., G.-Y. Chen, C.-I Chiu, W.-R. Liang, M.-J. Tsai, H.-T. Yeh, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Structural damage and reinvasion of Coptotermes gestroi on tree: A case study of Luchu pine (Pinus luchuensis Mayr) in Xiaping Tropical Botanical Garden. The 41st Annual Meeting of the TES. Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 17-18. 2020.
  25. Liu, R.-H., W.-R. Liang, C.-I Chiu, C.-C. Lin, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. The evolutionary transition of social traits in termites: from one-piece type to intermediate type nest. The 41st Annual Meeting of the TES. Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 17-18. 2020.
  26. Wu, C.-C. and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Termite taxonomy in Taiwan. The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.
  27. Lin, C.-Y., S.-H. Chen, M. J. Lu, Y.-C. Huang, P.-H. Hsieh, G.-Y. Chen, Y.-N. Chiu, P.-Y. Fu, I-H. Lu, Y.-H. Ching, C.-I Chiu, C.-Y. Liu, H.-F. Li*, and M.-D. Lin*. 2020. The genome of Prorhinotermes flavus: a termite species with high salinity tolerance. The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.
  28. Chen, B.-Y., C.-I Chiu, F.-C. Chang, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Behavioral patterns and building material of termite shelter tube construction. The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.
  29. Liang, W.-R., and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Exploring the cryptic life-history of the rove beetles associated with Formosan subterranean termite. The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.
  30. Kuan, K.-C., J.-H. Ou, W.-J. Lin, C.-Y. Chen, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Fungal biotrophic parasites of Taiwanese termite: the first record of Termitaria, Mattirolella, Antennopsis, Laboulbeniopsis in Taiwan. The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.
  31. Sun, N. C.-M., C.-C. Liang, C.-C. Lin, K. J.-C. Pei, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Seasonal feeding ecology of an obligate myrmecophagous mammal, Chinese pangolin. The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.
  32. Lo, H.-Y., N. C.-M. Sun, B.-Y. Chen, H.-Y. Yu, C.-C. Liang, C.-C. Lin, C.-Y. Lien, H.-F. Li, and S.-C. Chin. 2020. The predator of ants and termites: pangolins. The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.
  33. Huang, S.-Y., W.-J. Li, Y.-Y. Tsai, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Household termite infestation survey and swarming season estimation with synergy of citizen science project. The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.
  34. Lai, Y.-Y., and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Termite infestation survey and baiting Formosan subterranean termite (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae) of protected old trees in urban areas. The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.
  35. Huang, J.-H., Y.-T. Liu, H. C. Ni, B.-Y. Chen, S.-Y. Huang, H.-K. Tsai*, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Smartphone image-based identification of four major termite pest species by using deep learning. The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.
  36. Liu, K.-Y., C.-L. Tsai, L.-W. Wu, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Intestinal protists of the enigmatic termite family Stylotermitidae (Insecta: Blattodea) and its phylogenetic position. The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.
  37. Ching, Y.-H., V. Vennela, Y.-N. Chiu, M.-D. Lin, and H.-F. Li. 2020. De novo development and polymorphism analysis of microsatellite markers in Prorhinotermes flavus (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae). The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.
  38. Chiu, Y.-N., C.-I Chiu, C.-Y. Liu, M.-D. Lin, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Plasticity of reproductive caste development of Prorhinotermes flavus (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidea). The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.
  39. Lin, W.-J., and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Does body size variation of Formosan fungus-growing termite fit Bergmann’s Rule? The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.
  40. Chen, G.-Y., S.-Y. Huang, Y.-H. Ching, M.-D. Lin, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Monitoring the hybridization of two notorious termite pests in Taiwan. The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.
  41. Kanzaki, N., W.-R. Liang, C.-I Chiu, and H.-F. Li. 2020. A nematode species associated with termitophilic beetle, Ziaelas formosanus – a study of its highly derived morphological/structural characters. The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.
  42. Chen, G.-H., S.-H. Yang, and H.-F. Li*. 2020. Developing evaluation methods for termiticide used in Taiwan. The 13th Conference of Pacific Rim Termite Research Group. Taipei, Taiwan. Feb. 12-13. 2020.

The Lab of Urban Entomology focuses on diverse research areas within urban insect science, with an emphasis on termite taxonomy, biogeography, population genetics, and behavioral ecology, as well as the gut microbiology of termites. Our studies extend to the behavioral ecology of social insects and the biodiversity of termites and their associated organisms, including nematodes, fungi, and pangolins. Additionally, we integrate artificial intelligence to develop innovative tools for rapid identification of urban pests, enhancing pest management strategies. The lab also addresses the control of termite pests in both urban and agricultural settings, aiming to combine fundamental research with practical applications to advance pest management solutions.

Research Topics
  • Behavioral ecology of social insect
  • Biogeography of termite
  • Biodiversity of termites and associated nematode, fungi, and pangolin
  • Control of urban and agricultural termite pest

  • 國立中興大學111學年度優良勞作教育導師 (2023.08.01)
  • 教育部10年資深優良教師 (2023.08.01)
  • 國立中興大學 特聘教授 2022.08.01-2024.07.31 (特聘字第638號)
  • 國立中興大學110學年度優良導師 (2022.06.20)
  • 國立中興大學優秀年輕學者懷璧獎獎助計畫生命科學組2021.01.01-2021.12.31
  • 國立中興大學 優聘教師 2020.08.01-2022.07.31 (優聘字48號)
  • 慈濟科技大學2020年『FUN教育‧桌遊教具競賽』第二名
  • Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Ta-You Wu Memorial Award 2019 (科技部吳大猷先生紀念獎)
  • 國立中興大學 優聘教師 2018.08.01-2020.07.31 (優聘字11號)
  • 105學年度教師評鑑綜合表現優異 (106年7月興農獎字第1061701086號)
  • National Chung Hsing University Outstanding Teaching Award 2015 (興人師獎)
  • National Chung Hsing University Outstanding Teaching Award 2014 (興人師獎)
  • William L. and Ruth D. Nutting Award for outstanding achievements in basic termite biology. North American Section of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects. 2008.
  • Second place. Ph.D. student paper competition. Florida Entomological Society. 2008.
  • Graduate Student Scholarship, Florida Entomological Society. 2008.
  • Student Research Minigrants, Florida Entomological Society. 2008.
  • Student Travel Grant, Florida Entomological Society. 2008.
  • Award of Academic Achievement for international students, University of Florida, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008.
  • Second place. Student Competition for the President’s Prize. Entomological Society of America. 2006.
  • Second place. M.Sc. student paper competition. Florida Entomological Society. 2006.
  • Student Travel Grant, Florida Entomological Society, 2006.
  • President of Entomology Department Student Organization, National Taiwan University, 2000.
  • Presidential Award for academic excellence (書卷獎), National Taiwan University, 1998, 1999, and 2000 (five times).
  • First place of National Science Fair, biology division, Ministry of Education (Taiwan), 1996.

Educational Background
  • Ph.D., University of Florida, Entomology and Nematology, 2006-2009.
  • M.Sc., University of Florida, Entomology and Nematology, 2004-2006.
  • B.S., National Taiwan University, Plant Pathology and Entomology, 1997-2001.