Bustling Universe Radio Survey Telescope in Taiwan
Research Field
I work for ASIAA(Institute of astronomy and astrophysics) for more than 20 years. As a research scientist, I also manage the Information Technology Service(ITS) and High Performance Computing(HPC) teams in ASIAA. My research interests are mainly in disk-planet interaction, galactic dynamics and the large-scale structure of universe. I am also interested in cluster computation and GPU computation to improve the parallel computation efficiency.
Recently I join the Bustling Universe Radio Survey Telescope in Taiwan(BURSTT) project. The main goal of BURSTT is searching for Fast Radio Bursts(FRBs). FRBs are bright millisecond-duration radio transients that appear about 1000 times per day, all-sky, for a fluence threshold 5 Jy ms at 600 MHz. The FRB radio-emission physics and the compact objects involved in these events are subjects of intense and active debate. To better constrain source models, the Bustling Universe Radio Survey Telescope in Taiwan (BURSTT) is optimized to discover and localize a large sample of rare, high-fluence, and nearby FRBs.
Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are bright millisecond-duration radio transients that appear about 1000 times per day, all-sky, for a fluence threshold 5 Jy ms at 600 MHz. The FRB radio-emission physics and the compact objects involved in these events are subjects of intense and active debate. To better constrain source models, the Bustling Universe Radio Survey Telescope in Taiwan (BURSTT) is optimized to discover and localize a large sample of rare, high-fluence, and nearby FRBs. This population is the most amenable to multi-messenger and multi-wavelength follow-up, which allows a deeper understanding of source mechanisms. BURSTT will provide horizon-to-horizon sky coverage with a half power field-of-view (FoV) of ~104 deg2, a 400 MHz effective bandwidth between 300 and 800 MHz, and subarcsecond localization, which is made possible using outrigger stations that are hundreds to thousands of km from the main array. Initially, BURSTT will employ 256 antennas. After tests of various antenna designs and optimizing the system's performance, we plan to expand to 2048 antennas. We estimate that BURSTT-256 will detect and localize ~100 bright (≥100 Jy ms) FRBs per year. Another advantage of BURSTT's large FoV and continuous operation will be its greatly enhanced monitoring of FRBs for repetition. The current lack of sensitive all-sky observations likely means that many repeating FRBs are currently cataloged as single-event FRBs.
The BURSTT project is a collaboration of Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA), National Chung-Hsing University (NCHU), National Taiwan University (NTU), and National Tsing-Hua University (NTHU). We are looking for international collaboration, including Japan, India, Malaysia, Thailand and south-east Asia countries. We built 16 antennas in Cape Fuguie, 64 antennas in Fushan Botanical Garden, 16 antennas in Nantou and 2 antennas in Green island last year. The number of antennas and observation sites are planning to increase this year.
The BURSTT project is in a phase of intense development and deployment. The technology involves data processing in FPGA-based RFSoC, high-throughput real-time computing, signal transmission over fiber links, and so on. Interns are expected to learn topics such as data processing, system performance characterization, site RFI characterization, RFI mitigation, and beamforming techniques. They are also expected to participate in the lab and field work for hands-on experiences in instrument testing and antenna array deployment.
The 2nd Award of the 2nd world chinese popular science writing, 2015
The 3rd award of the 8th Kwoh-Ting Li popular science writing, 2000
Ph. D., Institute of Physics and Astronomy, National Central University
Master, Institute of Space Science, National Central University