Observational Cosmology Group
Research Field
Professor Tomo Goto obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo and currently serves as a professor at the Institute of Astronomy of National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. His specializes in astronomy. He has previously held research fellow positions at the University of Hawaii and the Niels Bohr Institute. In 2006, he was part of the JAXA team involved in the launch of the AKARI infrared space telescope. He has achieved the publication of 100 refereed papers in international journals in 2015. His research focuses on the galaxy evolution, dark energy, Planet 9, using the largest telescopes around world, including NASA's new JWST.
Tomo has been selected as one of the top 2% researchers in the world in the 2021 Stanford University rankings. In reality, he ranks around the top 0.7%.
Here are some past newspaper coverages:
- http://www.phys.nthu.edu.tw/~tomo/research/Subaru_QSO/Subaru_QSO_shinbun.pdf
- https://www.subarutelescope.org/old/Pressrelease/2009/09/02/j_index.html
- https://www.astroarts.co.jp/news/2009/09/04early_galaxy/index-j.shtml
Why is the Universe expanding? What is the nature of Dark Matter? When and how have supermassive black holes formed? How have galaxies evolved? What is the physical origins for fast radio bursts? Our group tackles with outstanding questions in cosmology using the largest telescopes in the world, such as the 6.5m James Webb space telescope, AKARI space telescope, ALMA, Subaru, and, many other telescopes in the world. Any motivated students are welcome.
- Galaxy evolution
- Dark energy
- Planet 9
- Fast Radio Bursts
* Japan Society of Promotion of Science Research Fellow (SPD1), 2008-2010
A PASJ Excellent Paper Award to "The Environment of Passive Spiral Galaxies in the SDSS", Goto et al. et al. 2003,PASJ,55,757
* Japan Society of Promotion of Science Research Fellow (DC1), 2001-2003
* Japan Ikuei-kai Fellowship, 1999-2001
* University of Tokyo, Ph.D., Physics, 2003 (Adviser: Sadanori Okamura, Maki Sekiguchi)
* University of Tokyo, M.A., Physics, 2001 (Adviser: Maki Sekiguchi)
* Kyoto University, B.S., Faculty of Science, 1999
* Visiting Research Scholar at Carnegie Mellon University, 2001-2003
2 Vacancies
Job Description
See more about the BURSTT here, https://www.burstt.org/
Preferred Intern Education Level
All levels of students are welcome to apply.
Skill sets or Qualities
No background knowledge is required.