Taiwan Mind & Brain Imaging Center” (TMBIC)
Research Field
The main goals of my current research focus is to investigate the neural mechanism of children learning and cognitive development using behavioral and advanced functional magnetic resonance imaging technique.
Taiwan Mind & Brain Imaging Center” (TMBIC) was established on May 1, 2012, and includes faculty expertise in the social sciences and neurosciences. The center aims to make the MRI facility available to all the researchers who apply these technologies to their studies, and provides training programs that include several courses to discuss and share neuroscience knowledge and fMRI techniques.
The current projects focused on the following areas:
(1) behavioral and neural mechanism of mathematical cognition across the lifespan from childhood into adulthood;
(2) neural substrates of typical and atypical developing children;
(3) develop early brain-based predictor of cognitive skill;
(4) develop brain-based interventions to improve cognitive skills in children with learning disabilities.
Selected Publications:
1. Ting-Ting Chang*, Nai-Feng Chen, & Yang-Teng Fan (2022). Uncovering sex/gender differences of arithmetic in the human brain: insights from fMRI studies. Brain and Behavior 12(10), e2275.
2. Chan-Tat Ng, Yin-Hua Chen, Chao-Jung Wu, & Ting-Ting Chang* (2022). Evaluation of Math Anxiety and its Remediation through a Digital Training Program in Mathematics for First and Second Graders. Brain and Behavior, e2557. (SCI, IF=3.405).
3. Chia-Wei Li, Carol Yeh-Yun Lin*, Ting-Ting Chang, Nai-Shing Yen & Danchi Tan (2021). Motivational system modulates brain responses during exploratory decision-making. Scientific Reports 11, 15810. (SCI, IF=4.379).
4. Ng, C. -T., Lung, T. -C. Lung, & Chang, T. -T.* (2021). Operation-specific Lexical Consistency Effect in Fronto-insular-parietal Network during Word Problem Solving. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15, 97. (*corresponding author; SCI, IF = 2.673; Rank: Neurosciences 161/272, Psychology 24/78)
5. Chui, K. C., Yeh, K. & Chang, T. -T. (2020). Neural correlates of the processing of self-adaptors, emblems, and iconic gestures with speech: an fMRI study. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 36(4), 401-421. (SSCI, IF=1.925; Rank: Linguistics 27/187)
6. Yu, T. –F., Chen, H. –Y., Liao, M. –Y., Tien, H. –C., Chang, T. –T., Chueh, C. -C, and Lee W. –Y.* (2020). Solution-processable anionic doped conjugated polymer for nonvolatile organic transistor memory with synaptic behaviors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12(40), 33968-33978. (SCI, IF = 8.758; Rank: Nanoscience & Nanotechnology 18/103, Material Science, Multidisciplinary 33/314)
Recent Awards and Scholarships
1. 2022 Academic Research Award, NCCU
2. 2020 Junior Researcher Award, Academia Sinica
2005-2011 Ph. D., Institute of Neuroscience, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan
2 Vacancies
Job Description
The selected candidate will be involved in all the MRI experimental procedures, such as experiment planning, stimuli preparation, data collection, data analysis and preparation of scientific reports. This will take place in the TMBIC of RCMBL (Research Center of Mind, Brain and Learning) at the NCCU (National Chengchi University) and under the supervision of the PIs of the center.
Preferred Intern Education Level
Doctoral or master students are preferred, or undergraduate students in their junior or senior year with laboratory experiences will also be considered.
Skill sets or Qualities
1. Knowledge of experimental design 2. Solid relevant statistical ability 3. Previous experience with neuroimaging methods (EEG, fMRI, MEG) or Programming skills (e.g., Python, Matlab, R) is a plus