Taipei Medical University

Lab 657 in the School of Nutrition and Health Sciences

Jane C.-J. Chao

Research Field



Dr. Jane C.-J. Chao graduated from the Department of Human Nutrition and Food Management at The Ohio State University and obtained her Ph.D. degree in 1993. Subsequently, she had the post-doctoral training in the Division of Foods and Nutrition at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 1993 to 1994, and returned to her alma mater Taipei Medical University to be the faculty member in the School of Nutrition and Health Sciences since 1995. She is currently in the position of Dean in the Office of Global Engagement, Professor in the School of Nutrition and Health Sciences at Taipei Medical University. Over the past 30 years, her research primarily focused on the effects of herbal extracts and active components on gastrointestinal diseases. She has published numerous SCI journal papers and several book chapters, reviewed for many academic journals, and worked as a guest professor in Health Sciences University of Hokkaido. She is currently the member of American Society for Nutrition, the President of Nutrition Society of Taiwan, and the Executive supervisor of Chinese Taipei Association for the Study of Obesity. She has devoted herself to the innovative research in herbal foods and gastrointestinal diseases continuously.

Lab 657 in the School of Nutrition and Health Sciences at Taipei Medical University (TMU) is a molecular nutrition laboratory. We currently have 15 lab members including 1 PI (me), 2 research assistants, 1 postdoc (from Malaysia), 4 doctoral students (2 from Vietnam), 3 master’s students (1 from Vietnam), and 4 professional master’s students. Among 15 lab members, there are foreigners. The research in our lab mainly focuses on the effects of Lycium barbarum polysaccharides, probiotics, and postbiotics on progression and remission of ulcerative colitis using animal and cell models with the collaboration of Prof. Tomonori Nochi at Tohoku University in Japan. Additionally, we are interested in the evaluation of functional foods on chronic disease using animal or human study. We have collaborated with Prof. Chyi-Huey Bai in the School of Public Health at TMU and Prof. Chien-Yeh Hsu at the National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences for determining the association between dietary patterns and chronic diseases using big data analysis.

Research Topics
  • Applications of plant extracts/active components such as Lycium barbarum polysaccharides extract, probiotics, and postbiotics  to health foods and adjunctive therapy for chronic diseases (IBD, sarcopenia, ulcer, stroke, or hepatitis) and cancers (cell, animal, or human study)
  • Evaluation of functional foods (animal or human study)
  • Association between dietary patterns and chronic diseases (data analysis)


Major awards and honors

Awards and honorsGranting organizationYear
TMU Excellent Teacher AwardTaipei Medical University2022
2020 Who’s Who in the World (37th ed.)Marquis Who’s Who, USA2020
2019 Who’s Who in the World (36th ed.)Marquis Who’s Who, USA2019
2018 Who’s Who in the World (35th ed.)Marquis Who’s Who, USA2018
2016 Who’s Who in the World (33rd ed.)Marquis Who’s Who, USA2016
2015 Who’s Who in the World (32nd ed.)Marquis Who’s Who, USA2015
2014 Who’s Who in the World (31st ed.)Marquis Who’s Who, USA2014
2013 Who’s Who in the World (30th ed.)Marquis Who’s Who, USA2013
Outstanding Teaching AwardSchool of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical University2013
2012 Who’s Who in Asia (2nd ed.)Marquis Who’s Who, USA2012
Outstanding Teaching AwardSchool of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical University2012
TMU Outstanding Teaching AwardTaipei Medical University2011
Outstanding Teaching AwardSchool of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical University2011
Outstanding Teaching AwardSchool of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical University2010
Knowledge Sharing AwardTaipei Medical University2009-2010
World Who’s Who of Women (15th ed)International Biographical Centre, UK2009
Outstanding Teaching AwardSchool of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical University2009
2008-2009 Who’s Who in Science and Engineering (10th ed.)Marquis Who’s Who, USA2008
Outstanding Teaching AwardSchool of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical University2008
2007 Who’s Who in Asia (1st ed.)Marquis Who’s Who, USA2007
Outstanding Teaching AwardSchool of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical University2007
TMU Teaching Excellence AwardTaipei Medical University2007
2006-2007 Who’s Who in Science and Engineering (9th ed.)Marquis Who’s Who, USA2006
2006-2007 Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare (6th ed.)Marquis Who’s Who, USA2006
2006 Who’s Who in the World (23rd ed.)Marquis Who’s Who, USA2006
Diploma of Achievement in Science 2005/06 AwardInternational Biographical Centre, UK2006
Outstanding Teaching AwardSchool of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical University2006
Professor Joseph S. Chen Memorial AwardNutrition Society of Taiwan2006
2005 Leading Scientists of the World (nomination)International Biographical Centre, UK2005
2005-2006 Who’s Who in Science and Engineering (8th ed.)Marquis Who’s Who, USA2005
Faculty Research AwardTaipei Medical University2005
Outstanding Teaching AwardSchool of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical University2005
2004 International Scientists of the Year (nomination)International Biographical Centre, UK2004
2004 International Health Professional of the Year (nomination)International Biographical Centre, UK2004
Outstanding Teaching AwardSchool of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical University2004
2003-2004 Who’s Who in Science and Engineering (7th ed.)Marquis Who’s Who, USA2003
Faculty Teaching AwardTaipei Medical University2002
Faculty Service AwardTaipei Medical University2001-2003
Health Education Program Broadcast AwardGovernment Information Office, R.O.C.2000
Anna Broden Scholarship AwardCollege of Human Ecology, The Ohio State University1992
Graduate Student Forum AwardThe ICSABER Society, The Ohio State University1992

Educational Background
The Ohio State UniversityU.S.A.Human Nutrition and Food ManagementPh.D.09/1990~06/1993
The Ohio State UniversityU.S.A.Food Science and NutritionM.S.09/1988~06/1990
Taipei Medical CollegeR.O.C.Nutrition and Health SciencesB.S.10/1984~06/1988

2 Vacancies

Job Description

Observe and/or participate in community project (optional):

Food safety and nutrition propaganda for indigenous people (Atayal) in Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan

Preferred Intern Education Level

  • International graduate students with health, agriculture, medicine, or nutrition related professional field (the preferred priority)
  • International students with health, agriculture, medicine, or nutrition related professional field (the second priority)
  • International professionals with health, agriculture, medicine, or nutrition related professional field (the third priority)
  • good communication skills in English

Skill sets or Qualities

Preferred experience(s) or skill(s) as follows:

  • general biochemistry or chemistry laboratory experience
  • cell, animal, or human study experience
  • molecular or cell biology analytical skills
  • immune or protein analysis 
  • big data analysis
  • related research topic experience