National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Radiation Oncology and Cellular Metabolism Laboratory (ROCM Lab)

Yu-Chan Chang

Research Field



My main interests in research are to intergrade multiple omics database included transcriptomics and proteomics combined available in silico analysis to predict candidate markers which be a potential driver in tumorigenesis, metastasis and drug resistance, my second focus is to establish two-way models to determine the phenotype and genotype by gene expression in vitro and in vivo, and iii). to identify potential genes, compounds, and drugs for pre-clinical trials in animal models for effective cancer therapy. Ultimately, cellular/animal features and treatment outcomes are obtained through a variety of biomedical imaging systems (IVIS, PET, CT, Ultrasound…etc).

My laboratory is located in: No.155, Sec.2, Linong Street, Taipei, 112 Taiwan,  Experimental Building 4th Floor, Office B308 room National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU). Our laboratory has received grants from several National Science Taiwan Council (NSTC) research programs as well as industry-university programs. The department has a variety of advanced cell/animal imaging equipment and radiation-related instruments. Welcome to join the lab and contribute your ability to cancer research.

Research Topics

Cancer Metabolism, Radiobiology, Cellular Imaging, Oncology


Outstanding Poster, NDMC Retreat Meeting, 2016

Highlights-Graduate Student Research in Pathology, ASIP, 2017

Outstanding Oral Presentation, NDMC Retreat Meeting, 2017

Regular Postdoctoral Scholars, Academia Sinica, 2018

Awarded Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Fellow ship, 2018.8-2020.6

Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS), Singapore, 2019

11th HOPE meeting, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 2019

Highlights-I Am an ASIP Member and This is My Science, ASIP, 2019

GRC Poster Award Competition, Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica, 2019

科技部補助大專院校延攬特殊優秀人才補助(MOST Young Scholar Fellowship, 2020-2022)

財團法人沈力揚教授醫學教育獎學紀念基金會-111講師級研究與進修獎助 (2022)

111學年度學院英語授課教學獎 (2023)

Educational Background


Ph. D.

Sep. 2011 to Jun. 2017

Department of Life sciences, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan



Sep. 2009 to Jun. 2011

Department of Dentistry, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan



Sep. 2005 to Jun. 2009

Department of Dental Hygiene, China Medicine University, Taichung, Taiwan


Current Positions

Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Science (BIRS), 

National Yang-Ming University

Assistant Professor, Appointed: Aug, 2020-present


Institute of Pathology and Parasitology, 

National Defense Medical Center

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Appointed: Aug, 2021-present