National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Cell-Cell Communication and Mechanobiology

Yeh-Shiu Chu

Research Field



Dr Yeh-Shiu Chu is trained as a cell biologist in an inter-disciplinary biophysics/cell biology program at UMR144/Curie institute, Paris, France. 

He subsequently conducts postdoc research at IMCB, Singapore concentrating in validation of mechanosensing mechanisms of cell cell adhesion. After setting up his lab in NYCU, Taipei, Taiwan,  his research focus is  partially shifted to membrane dynamics and extracellular vesicles (EVs) biology.

Dr Chu maintains habits  in bench works/ experimentation  and moreover, has keen interests in translating the results obtained from fundamental study to application.  He has published over 30 peer-review papers and holds three patents based upon his research.

Cell to cell communication is manifested in multi-faceted manners. In Dr Chu's lab, the major research themes are to investigate:

 1) how cells communicate through EVs and its application in clinical assays;

 2) mechanotransducive operations at cell-cell contacts through cell adhesion molecules.

A multi-modality microscopic platform  is installed specifically for monitoring cellular and molecular dynamics in his lab. Microscopic and functional assays  for analyzing EVs have been set up for examining the EV-cell interactions. 

A set of toolkits  for studying mechanobiology on 2D cell culture such as soft substrate stretcher and ultrasound stimulation, has been developed for applying minuscule forces to trigger mechanotransducive signalling in living cells and subsequently observing their fast- and/or slow- responses by fluorescence microscopy in real time.

From 2023-2024, there are 2 IIPP PhD-level interns from Japan and India respectively coming to the lab for designated projects focusing at measurements of physiological fluorescent signals and EV tracking in living cells.

Research Topics
  1. Translation research  of EVs' biomarkers in clinical application
  2. Mechanobiology and mechanotransducive mechanisms in cadherin-regulated cell-cell adhesion

  1. France-Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs PhD Fellowship, 2000
  2. Teaching award, College of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, 2017

Educational Background
  1. Bachelor / National Sun Yet-Sen University, Taiwan, 1994
  2. Master/ National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan, 1996 
  3. PhD/ University of Paris VI, France, 2005
  4. Postdoc/ UMR144-L’Institut Curie, France, 2007 
  5. Senior researcher fellow/ IMCB, Biopolis, Singapore, 2011


2 Vacancies

Job Description

They are expected to conduct small-scale projects based on the current findings in the lab.

Preferred Intern Education Level

medical students,  master degree students, PhD candidates in the relevant fields are preferred.

Skill sets or Qualities

Basic skills and knowledge on cell and molecular biology and imaging analyses