Mesoscale and Orographic Precipitation Laboratory
Current affiliation: Professor and Chair, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University.
Mesoscale and Orographic Precipitation Laboratory . Primary research directions of the laboratory include the mechanisms of orographic precipitation, midlatitude and tropical mesoscale convective systems, local circulations and precipitation, and severe weather systems in Taiwan. Current research topics particularly focus on the investigation of the physical processes of orographic precipitation in typhoon environment, as well as the structures and dynamics of coastal convection and typhoon rainbands, using ground-based and airborne Doppler radar observations.
◆Orographic Precipitation
◆Structure and Dynamics of Typhoon and Frontal Rainbands
◆Severe and Mesoscale Weather Systems in Taiwan
◆Tropical and Mid-latitude Mesoscale Convective Systems
◆Watershed Rainfall and Hydrologic Application
◆Local Circulation and Urban Precipitation
◆Ground-based and Airborne Radar Remote Sensing and Applications
◆Best Student Poster Award (Supervised Ph. D. student: Tsubaki Hosokawa), AOGS 2022
◆Outstanding Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology (2022)
◆Professor with exemption of review, College of Science, National Taiwan University (2018)
◆Exceptional Performance by National Taiwan University (2018-present)
◆Teaching Award, National Taiwan University (2017)
1995 Ph. D., Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University 1991 M. S., Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University 1989 B. S., Meteorology, Chinese Culture University