Institute of Green Products
Research Field
Dr. Andrew, Chen-Yeon CHU. Director of IGP.FCU. He is Professor at Ph.D. Program of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering / Master's Program of Green Energy Science and Technology, Feng Chia University. He also serves as Executive Secretary, APEC Research Center for Advanced Biohydrogen Technology, Associated Researcher at Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research (IIA), CNR, Italy since 2022, Visiting Professor, School of Health Science, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand in year 2023. His research interests cover fermentative biohydrogen energy technology, green hydrogen energy technology and economy, green energy demonstration system of biological technology, talent training in biomass energy technology, hydrodynamic and kinetics in a fermenter system, bioreactor design and scale up. So far, he has published 93 international journal papers, more than 114 domestic and foreign seminar papers, 8 special books and chapters, and obtained 13 domestic and foreign patents. From 2005 to 2023, SCI international journals were cited 2,337 times (excluding self-citations), with an average of 25 citations per article, a personal h-Index value of 29, and 23 invited speakers at international organizations and international seminars. He has presided over 20 National Science and Technology Council projects and 39 industry-university cooperation projects.
The Institute of Green Products is under the college of engineering and science, Feng Chia University at central Taiwan. The mission is drive into product manufacturing process and social green transformation. The goal of the IGP-FCU is apply biomass resources instead of fossil fuel to reduce CO2, and to produce green energy or biomaterials for the environmental protection and energy security to empower the local community for sustainable. IGP aims to develop industrialization technology and prospective products for green products and cleaning processes; to develop technology in collaboration between industry and academia; to expand the industry-academic cooperation program on green products and clean process technology; to promote the integration of inter-university, institutions, departments and degree programmes; to promote industry, government and industry cooperation projects to implement the IGP's technologies to achieve sustainable development.
Our Core Technology is from Biowaste to Bioenergy to Bioeconomy. The biohydrogen and biomethane production technology (HyMeTek) converts the biowaste to the bioenergy or biorefinery, and finally reaches the green growth by the social awareness and acceptance. We used to host a National Energy Phase II Project which granted by Ministry of Science and Technology. We designed and implemented two HyMeTek advanced biogas pilot plants in Manado City, Indonesia, and Khon Kaen University, Thailand. We also developed commercial large-scale (15,000 pigs) and small-scale (1,500 pigs) HyMeTek biogas plants in Central Taiwan. The shooting process was included in the “Brown is the New Green” program on National Geographic Channel. The HyMeTek was applications in food industry wastewater. We also delivered a Green Synergy Solutions for Rural Area Revitalization project and setup bio-H2 gas-fuel station and mini-fuel cell car in Feng Chia University.
- Fermentative biohydrogen technology
- Fluidized bed engineering
- Green hydrogen technology and economy
- Green energy demonstration system intergration
- Hydrodynamic and kinetics study
- Bioreactor design and scale up
- PHA production technology
- LCA for environmental impacts analysis
Awards, Honors and Professional Activities:
- First Place in 2022 APEC YES Challenge, hosted by APEC Research Center for Advanced Biohydrogen Technology, Chinese Taipei.
- First Place in 2020 APEC YES Challenge, hosted by APEC Research Center for Advanced Biohydrogen Technology, Chinese Taipei.
- Oral Presentation Champion in ABBS 2020, FCU, Taichung, Taiwan.
- Best Video in Sustainability Challenge 2019, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia.
- Best Paper Award, The 1st ICRU International Conference: Sustainable Community Development (2018), Chiang Mai Rajabha University, Thailand.
- Second Prize, Manilia Regionals in 2019 Hult prize regional Summit Manila, Philippines.
- WHEC-2014 Awards by Poster Presentation “Hydrogen production performance from food industry wastewater by two-stage dark fermentative approach”, Gwangju, Korea. (2014/06)
- Second Place Paper Awards of Junior Session in International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues (CYSEI-2013), Lithuania. (2013/05)
- Best Award in The 2013 International Capstone Design Contest on Renewable Energy Technology (CORE2013), Korea (2013/01)
- FCU Excellent Research Awards. (2010-2022)
- Scientific Committee: 11th International Conference on Clean Energy (ICCE-2011) (2011/11)
- Secretariat: The 2011 Asian Biohydrogen and Biorefinery Symposium (2011/10)
- Best Paper Awards of Junior Session in International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues (CYSEI-2011), Lithuania. (2011/05)
- Third Place Prize of Crazy Idea of Applied King in Biotechnology (Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs). (2009)
- Best Paper Award of Taiwan Society of Environmental Engineering in Wastewater Treatment Division. (2008)
Invited Speaker
- 2023/1/21: Green Biohythane Technology and Its Applications. in The Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference 2023, MFU, Chiang Rai, Thailand.
- 2022/7/21: Deep Learning Model Established Using Satellite Cloud Images for Short-term Power Generation Forecasting of Solar Power Plants. in ICWT 2022, Indonesia.
- 2021/7/31: Hybrid vehicle & Plug-in Hybrid vehicle, Green BioHydrogen Production and Fuel Cell Car. Van Lang University, Viet Nam.
- 2021/4/29: Green Hydrogen: BioHydrogen as a Member of Renewable Energy System. National Energy Technology Center (ENTEC), Thailand.
- 2019/11/14: A Path from Zero to Hero: Biohythane Production Technology and its Applications in Self-Sustained Community. Hanoi University of Science and Technology, HUST, Viet Nam.
- 2018/12/14: From Biowaste to Bioenergy to Bioeconomy by Demo and Training Power Station of Two-stage Biohythane Production (HyMeTek). Maejo University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- 2018/8/30: Smart Grid Scenarios: Self-Sustained Green Community in APEC Region. Technique Forum of Smart Power Management for Self-Sustained Green Community in APEC Region, Bangkok, Thailand.
- 2018/8/18: From FENG CHIA UNIVERSITY to UNIVERSITY OF SAM RATULANGI, Smart Grid Scenarios Self-Sustained Green Community. Unsrat, Manado, Indonesia.
- 2017/11/20-24: Smart Power Management for a Bio-hydrogen Based Green Community. 54th APEC Energy Working Group and Associated Meetings, Wellington, New Zealand.
- 2016/10/12: Applying Biogas Technology for Green Energy Smart Farm. 2nd APEC Workshop on Developing the Green Energy Smart Farm in APEC Region. BPPT (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology), Indonesia.
- 2016/4/12: Autonomous Power Generation by Advanced Two-stage Biogas Production Technology and Building an Entrepreneurial Networking for Green Farm. APEC Workshop on Developing the Green Energy Smart Farm. The Splendor Hotel, Taichung, Chinese Taipei.
- 2015/9/18: Eco-Village Economic Growth by Bio-gaseous Refueling Station and Green Vehicle Production Center in Loa PDR. Workshop On Alternative Bio-Energy Promotion and Use in Laos, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
- 2015/3/20: Innovative Hydrogenation & Methanation Technology (HyMeTek) and its Applications. Workshop on Research Collaboration Opportunities with Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) Taiwan in Biomass Energy Applications, Jakarta, Indonesia.
- 2015/1/13: “Specify products and services for green vehicles and green energy”, STI Strategy Development and Action Plan in Lao PDR Final Report Workshop, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
- 2014/8/27: Bioenergy/Bioelectricity Research and Applications in Taipei. The ninth ASEAN Science and Technology Week, ASEAN COST - APEC PPSTI Joint Activity: Workshop on Bioelectricity and Biofuel Generated from the Unused Biomass, IPB International Convention Center, Bogor, Indonesia.
- 2013/8/21-23: Biohydrogen Utopia: Process design and applications. The 5th Intrernational Conference on Fermentation Technology for Value Added Agricultural Products at Centara Hotel Convention, Khon Kaen, Thailand.
- 2012/9/14: High Rate Biohydrogen Fermentation Technology. Forum of hydrogen and fuel cell joining with Indonesia Ministry of Energy
- 2012/4/27: Development of Multistage Process on Bioenergy Production from Non-food Feedstocks in Taiwan, 2012 Low‐Carbon Forum of Urban and Regional Development. Hangzhou, China.
- 2011/8/3: The Advanced Biohydrogen Technology, 2011 The Leadership Lab Technology Development and Culture in Taiwan.
- 2010/5/11: High Rate Biohydrogen Fermentative Technology, 2010 CHATS Youth Science Forum.
He received his Ph.D. degree in 2005 from Chemical Engineering, Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
2 Vacancies
Job Description
- To do the experiments related to the enhancement technologies on the bioH2 and bioCH4 productions.
- To do the PHA production experiments in the lab from the organic wastewater.
Preferred Intern Education Level
Based on the requirements, the master and PhD students are welcomed.
Skill sets or Qualities
The students having backgrounds of dark/photo fermentation and bioenergy technologies are welcomed.
The students having experience in LCA analysis and social return of investment (SROI) are also welcomed.