Taipei Medical University


Jihwan Myung


Jihwan Myung is a principal investigator at the Laboratory of Braintime at Taipei Medical University Shuang Ho Hospital. He was born in Seoul, Korea and studied economics, physics, physiology, and life sciences in Seoul, Pohang, Seattle, and Kyoto. He investigates how various scales of time are kept in the brain, specifically in a small network clock called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). In his publications in 2015, he showed that the SCN network has an asymmetric coupling structure that can modulate the degree of the variance among component clocks, and use this variance to represent information of seasonal day length in addition to time of the day. These works proposed an answer to one of the oldest problems in chronobiology, known as photoperiodic encoding, and provided a new possibility that the network principle governing the seasonal timing is also responsible for the slow adaptation we experience during jet lag.

Cycles of day and night are cues of external time that flows regardless of an organism. On the other hand, cycles of waking and sleeping are manifestations of internal time. The relation of the two is not so simple.

We have free will (or underlying decision processes that create such illusion) that can delay the time to go to bed to some degree. The phases of sleep and wake are also strongly modulated by the season: we get up earlier during the summer than we do in winter by the changes of our internal, unconscious, clock known as the circadian clock. However, internal time does not run completely independently of external time, and this is where things get interesting. It is a prime question in neuroscience how an organism adapts to its surroundings. But perhaps a more interesting question is how an organism resists from adaptation. It turns out that a multi-cellular organism such as a mammal maintains diverse ‘internal time’ in many different organs and tissues (Myung et al, Nature Communications, 2018)—and in many cells, and they do not adapt uniformly to changes of external time (Myung et al, PNAS, 2015; Azzi et al, Neuron, 2017). The really exciting question is then how organization, or orchestration of these adaptations and maladaptations occur. And this is what I mostly focus on to answer.

Biological time is a bridge towards understanding of psychological time. The perception of time over a circadian cycle changes through internal regulation of mood. Mood is an ambient state of consciousness and, in my opinion, a sense of time flow. Circadian rhythms have been thought to be related to mood and time perception, but the exact connection has been indicated only in animal studies. Disruption of circadian rhythms, for example by jet lag, can lead to mood dysregulation. Forced sleep deprivation during the latter half of the sleep phase can acutely, yet temporarily, restore positive mood states in major depression disorder patients. Waking up a patient too early in the morning emulahetes the phase-advancing (eastbound flight) jet lag condition. Although systematic studies are absent, westbound intercontinental flights are episodically told to briefly cause depression-like mood states and eastbound flights cause mania-like states. These observations have not been taken seriously, while the connection between the mood and circadian rhythms has been suspected for a long time. I plan to measure signatures of brain-wide activities after an artificial jet lag is induced, by changing light-dark cycles. Initial measurements will be made from known and isolated regions but will expand to more areas to create a picture for global clock dynamics.

In this later phase, I will attempt to make connection between the circadian system and mood and motivation circuits. The experimental paradigm of using jet lag for studying mood is new and is likely to serve as a model of mood dysregulation. If it can be established that jet lag causes a transient state of mania or depression, an enormous clinical potential can be unlocked.

Research Topics

The circuit of circadian clocks

While a single cell is fully capable of maintaining a circadian clock, evolution chose a multi-cellular clock system in mammals. We have previously found that the main circadian clock, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), can be reduced to a simple neural circuit of two oscillators. The two-oscillator model predicts novel stability pockets that enable previously unforeseen circadian behaviors. These new insights provide us with specific model-based strategies that we can test in vivo and ex vivo. We seek clinical applications of these findings to quickly stabilize circadian rhythms under unusual seasonal conditions or after abrupt transitions to a new day-night cycle.

Sociology of body clocks: Interaction between the master circadian clock and peripheral clocks 

It turns out that the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is not the only circadian clock in the body. We recently found that the choroid plexus clock exceeds even the SCN clock in terms of robustness (2018) and the kidney clock can influence the behavioral circadian rhythms, potentially through feedback to the master clock (2019). These investigations recast the role of the SCN as the master coordinator of the distributed local circadian clocks, rather than the master pacemaker, and let us think that the circadian organization of the body is likely more democratic and less strictly hierarchical than previously thought.

Emergence of circadian clocks

The society of circadian clocks emerges slowly and sequentially over the developmental time course. We track and consider this emergence time course in light of preterm development in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). This project is conducted under Taiwan's collaborative project grant (MOST PPG) with Prof. Chao-Ching Huang at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU).

Circadian Regulation of Time Perception and Mood

The seasonality is an important cue for mood fluctuation, as evidenced by a seasonal peak of suicide rate among the major depression and affective disorder patients (let us recite T.S. Eliot's "April is the cruelest month"). Psychological studies show that the second-to-minute scale time perception can be a good indicator of the mood state. There is strong evidence that the perceived time length is a function of dopamine and serotonin release, which are likely to be regulated by circadian and seasonal rhythms. We are putting these clues together to understand how circadian rhythms modulate degrees of time perception and distinct mood states. These studies have substantial potential to open up new avenues of treatment for abnormal mood conditions.


Jihwan Myung won a fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Study in Berlin in 2016/2017 and was awarded the Nakayama Foundation research grant in 2018. He is the recipient of the best college-level mentor award at Taipei Medical University in 2023.

Educational Background

Jihwan Myung has physics background (BS, Korea University and MS, POSTECH), and studied physiology and biophysics (MS, University of Washington) and life sciences (PhD, Kyoto University). After working as an assistant professor at Hiroshima University School of Medicine, he moved to RIKEN Brain Science Institute and finished up multi-clock studies. He came to join the faculty of Graduate Institute of Mind, Brain, and Consciousness (GIMBC) at Taipei Medical University as an associate professor after residence at Institute for Advanced Study in Berlin and Berliner Antike-Kolleg as a fellow. He also maintains affiliations at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) and at Shuang Ho Hospital.