National Taipei University of Technology

Center of Precision Analysis and Material Research/Dept chemical engineering

楊重光/Chung-Kuang Yang

Research Field

Materials Engineering


Prof. Thomas C.-K. Yang is a Vice President of the National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei Tech). He also serves as a Distinguished Professor in the department of chemical engineering and biotechnology. Additionally, he is a director of the Center of Precision Analysis and Material Research which provides core research-facility services for Taipei Tech and Taiwan high education institutes. His research interests are on the semiconductor fabrication, flexible electronics, nanotechnology, ceramic/polymer packaging, synthesis of frontier functional materials with more than 200 research articles in high-level international SCI journals.

Center of Precision Analysis and Material Research/Dept chemical engineering

Current projects:

  1. The development of next-generation EMI/PI materials for packaging applications.
  2. The study of roll-to-roll manufacture process for the water barrier layer.
  3. The optimal design of visible-driven photocatalyst systems for hydrogen production from sea-water splitting 
  4. The enhancement of durability in the ammonia-fed solid-oxide fuel cells by the incorporation of Heusler alloys at anodes.
  5. The study of photocatalysts on CO2 reduction for carbon zero emission.

Research Topics

Barrier coating technology, Photocatalysts for Clean Energy, In-Situ Characterization for Catalysis, Semiconductor Manufacturing Process, Nano-scale fabrication technology


1. Receipeient of European Commission project: Multiscale computer modeling, synthesis and rational design of photo(electro)catalysts for efficient visible-light-driven seawater splitting Principal Investigator, 2021/5-2024/4, M-ERA.NET
2. Receipeient of Value Creation project: “A+ flexible barrier film packaging,” Principal Investigator, 2018/7-2021/11, Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs

Educational Background

Yang received his post-graduate training at the University of Missouri (USA) from 1989 to 1995. His MS thesis engaged in the computer simulation and optimal design of a semiconductor CVD reactor for AT&T Corporation. In continuation of the chip fabrication studies, he has his Ph. D. dissertation emphasizing the ceramic packaging technology for the multichip modules as a project supported by IBM cooperation.

6 Vacancies

Job Description

Project Assist in the water splitting for hydrogen production, jobs required to help out the experiments including (1) synthesize and characterize the semiconductor photocatalysis, (2) Set up the instruments for water splitting and electrochemical analysis on the devices, (3) implement the gas composition measurement during the hydrogen evolution.

Preferred Intern Education Level

undergraduate in senior year or postgraduate students

Skill sets or Qualities

major in relevant fields of chemistry, material science, physics, chemical engineering