National Taiwan University

Lab of Reproductive Biotechnology

Li-Ying Sung

Research Field



Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), also known as “cloning”, rapidly reprograms the somatic transcriptome; it is an efficient, and the first working means to reprogram a differentiated cell to the totipotent state. The best-known example of cloning is Dolly the sheep. This concept later led to the development of two significant types of stem cells. The first one is the induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), initially developed by the 2012 Nobel Prize winner Shinya Yamanaka. The other one is the ntESCs, embryonic stem cells derived from a cloned blastocyst. When combined with gene and cell therapy technologies, ntESCs offer opportunities to treat genetic disorders, hence called by many as “therapeutic cloning.” Both ntESCs and iPSCs can be patient-specific; therefore, they represent a great promise in regenerative medicine and serve as valuable model systems to study many human diseases with a precision medicine approach. 

Professor Sung is an expert in SCNT and among the first to report cloned mice using terminally differentiated postmitotic granulocytes, followed by the efficient derivation of mouse ntESCs. Her team also cloned cattle and rabbits before. She excels in embryonic technologies, such as SCNT, pronuclear microinjection, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, blastocyst injection, cryopreservation of oocyte and embryo, and PSC technology. Her research interests are embryology, developmental biology, stem cell biology, and developing novel animal models to study human diseases, including infertility and xenotransplantation. She is also applying these modern tools to save endangered animals.

Professor Sung's primary research interest is understanding the process of nuclear reprogramming by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT, also called animal cloning) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). We also study the biology of oogenesis, embryogenesis, and the stemness of pluripotent stem cells.

Research Topics
  1. Reprogramming and differentiation of somatic cells by SCNT and iPSCs.
  2. Establish a frozen oocyte bank for infertility treatment
  3. Cloned telomerase mutant mice as a model for human aging and telomere disease


2024   Academic Research Performance Incentives, Research Excellence Award, National Taiwan University

2023   Award for Teaching Excellence, College of Bioresources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University

2023   Academic Research Performance Incentives, Research Excellence Award, National Taiwan University

2022   Academic Research Performance Incentives, Research Excellence Award, National Taiwan University

2021    Academic Research Performance Incentives, Research Excellence Award, National Taiwan University

2020   Award for Teaching Excellence in English, National Taiwan University

2020   Academic Research Performance Incentives, Research Excellence Award, National Taiwan University

2019    Academic Research Performance Incentives, Research Excellence Award, National Taiwan University

2018    Award for Teaching Excellence, National Taiwan University

2017    FutureTech Demo and Breakthrough Award and the Best Popularity Award, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan

2017    Award for Teaching Excellence, National Taiwan University

2016    Academic Research Performance Incentives, Research Excellence Award, National Taiwan University

2015    Academic Research Performance Incentives, Research Excellence Award, National Taiwan University

2014    Award for Teaching Excellence, National Taiwan University

2014    Academic Research Performance Incentives, Research Excellence Award, National Taiwan University

2013    Academic Research Performance Incentives, Research Excellence Award, National Taiwan University

2011    Academic Research Performance Incentives, Research Excellence Award, National Taiwan University

2011    Award for Teaching Excellence, National Taiwan University

2006    First Place- CANR Graduate Student Research Forum, University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA

1998  Young Scientist Paper Presentation Contest Award, Offered by the Chinese Society of Animal Science. Taiwan, R. O. C.

1996    Winner of the Prof. F. K. Koh´s Memorial Foundation Scholarship, Offered by the Prof. F. K. Koh´s Memorial Foundation. Taiwan, R. O. C. 

Educational Background

2006  Ph. D.  Department of Animal Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA, Graduated in Nov 2006.

1999  M.S.     Department of Animal Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C.

1996  B. S.     Department of Animal Science, National PingTung Polytechnic Institute, PingTung, Taiwan, R. O. C.