

Yen-Wen Lu

Research Field

Medical Engineering


Yen-Wen Lu received his Ph.D. in mechanical and aerospace engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles in
2004. He received an M.S. from the University of Michigan and a B.S. from the National Taiwan University. He was a faculty
member in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at Rutgers University and later in the Microsystems
Engineering Doctoral Program at Rochester Institute of Technology in the United States. He received several awards,
including an FEAD Faculty Award and a Texas Instruments/Harvey Award. His research projects have been supported by
federal agencies and industrial companies in the United States and Taiwan. His research interests have focused on wearable technolgoy, blood engineering and lab-on-a-chip devices for agricultural and biomedical applications. He is currently with Department of Biomechatronics Engineering and Institute of Biotechnology at National Taiwan University.

Yen-Wen Lu's lab is a dynamic research group specializing in microfluidics, sensors, and materials science. Their recent publications cover a wide range of topics, including self-powered digital microfluidics, tactile sensors for health monitoring and posture feedback, optoelectronic monitoring systems, platelet concentrates preparation, and more. The lab's interdisciplinary approach and innovative research contribute to the advancement of microfluidic technologies with applications in various fields, such as healthcare, diagnostics, and biomedical engineering.

Research Topics
  1. self-powered digital microfluidics
  2. tactile sensors for health monitoring and posture feedback
  3. optoelectronic monitoring systems
  4. platelet concentrates preparation, and more.

  1. Fellow: Royal Chemical Society, 2021 - Now
  2. Outstanding Oral Presentation Award, P.-H. Wang, Y.-W. Lu, ICCS 2019
  3. Outstanding Poster Award for Industry-University Cooperative Research, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan 2019
  4. Outstanding Poster Award for Research Grant, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan 2019
  5. Best Poster Award, Y.-W. Lu, RSC-TIC, 2018
  6. SharkTank Finalist, MicroTAS 2018
  7. Outstanding Poster Award Finalist, W.-L. Chen, Y.-W. Lu, Transducers 2017
  8. Outstanding Poster Award, Chinese Interfacial Science Society, C.-K. Chiang, Y.-W. Lu, 2011
  9.  “Best Paper Finalist”, Advisor, 2009 IEEE Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS)  Conference 
  10. Demonstration of my microhand research work at the World Affair in Aichi, Japan, 2005 Expo 
  11. Design of Mechanical Systems (3rd Place and Best Creativity), Advisor,Rutgers University 2006
  12. Mechanism Design Competition (3rd Place), Advisor, ASME / DETC conference 2005

Educational Background

2004       Ph.D.  Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

                            University of California, Los Angeles, CA

1998       M.S.     Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics

                            The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

1993       B.S.     Agricultural Machinery Engineering

                            National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.

2 Vacancies

Job Description

precision medicine, machine learning

Preferred Intern Education Level

Undergraduate student,

Graduate student

Skill sets or Qualities

engineering fundamentals, mechatronics, fluid mechanics,  data analytics, data sciences, or biomedical background