National Taiwan University

NTU THz optoelectronics group

Yu-Hsiang Cheng

Research Field

Telecommunication Engineering


pYu-Hsiang Cheng was born in Taipei, Taiwan in 1987. He received the double B.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Physics from National Taiwan University in 2011 (Presidential Award for 8 semesters). In the fall semester in 2009, he studied at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as an exchange student. He received the M.S. degree in Photonics and Optoelectronics from National Taiwan University in 2013. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Massachusetts Institute Technology in 2019. In 2019, he joined Department of Electrical Engineering and Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering at National Taiwan University as an assistant professor. His research interests include terahertz electronics and ultrafast spectroscopy./p

pWe are interested in all sorts of terahertz (THz) science and technology. Terahertz waves can be applied to fundamental science study, nondestructive imaging, chemical sensing, communications, etc. Our group studies THz waves and their applications with two different approaches: the photonic approach and the electronic approach. For THz photonics, we generate terahertz pulses using femtosecond lasers and apply them to spectroscopy and imaging. For THz electronics, we design and fabricate both active and passive components for high-speed communications. For more information, please visit our website./p

Research Topics
pTHz electronics and Ultrafast spectroscopy /p


Educational Background
pPh.D., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 2019/ppM.S., Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University, July 2013/ppB.S., Electrical Engineering AND Physics, National Taiwan University, January 2011br /p