National Chung Hsing University

Poultry breeding and Genetics

Chih-Feng CHEN

Research Field



I'm currently a professor in the Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University. I got my BS and MS degrees from National Chung Hsing University. After graduating I returned to the Department as a teaching assistant and lecturer, and then I got my Ph.D. at AgroParisTech in France. My academic expertise is quantitative genetics, and my major work is on local chicken conservation and breeding.



My research mainly has two directions. The first is the study of genetic diversity. we used the microsatellite markers to study the population structure and genetic distance among the different local chickens in different countries. The study cooperated with France, Thailand, Vietnam, and other countries. The second one is the application of quantitative genetics to improve egg production of Taiwan Country chicken as use of dam line in commercial production. In order to protect the pure line, some major (recessive) genes which control the phenotype of feather color and skin color were involved in the selection line. So I also established molecular detection methods for many major genes, such as BCDO2, MC1R, PRLR/SPEF2, and TYR etc.

Research Topics
  1. Animal Breeding, 
  2. Poultry Science, 
  3. Quantitative Genetics

  1. 2013 Academic Award Chinese Society of Animal Science; 
  2. 2016 Outstanding Agricultural Personnel Award from Ministry of Agriculture;
  3. 2018- Distinguished Professor from National Chung Hsing University;
  4. 2019 Top Ten Outstanding Agricultural Experts in Taiwan from Kiwanis Taiwan;
  5. 2023 National Agricultural Science Award from Ministry of Agriculture;
  6. 2024 The 15th AAAP Animal Science Award from Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies;

Educational Background
  1. BS of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 1987
  2. MS of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 1989
  3. PhD of Animal Science, AgroParisTech, France, 2002