National Chung Hsing University

Nematology lab

Peichen Janet Chen

Research Field

Sustainable Development Research




Professional Experience 

2002-2003 Post-doctoral research in Cornell University

2003-2012 Assistant Professor in National Chung Hsing University

2012-2022 Associate Professor in National Chung Hsing Univeristy

2014-2016 Secretary of Taiwan safe and high quality agriculture extension association

2016-2022 Chief of service division in Biotechnology Center, NCHU.

2016-present Associate Editor of Plant Medicine Journal

2017-present Supervisor of Taiwan safe and high quality agriculture extension association

2022-Present Academic Secretary of College of Agriculture and Nature Resources in NCHU

2022  Professor in National Chung Hsing University

2024-present Chair of Dept. of Plant Pathology in National Chung Hsing University



1.    Huang, S.Y., Tsay, T.T., Yen, J. H. and P. Chen. 2015. The survey of nematode species on the aquatic plants in Taiwan. Plant Pathol. Bull.24:37-52

2. Chan, H.-Y., Yen J.-H., Chen D.-Y., Tsay T.-T. and Chen P.-C. 2015. The occurrence, identification and ecological studies of the cactus nematode from dragon fruit crops in Taiwan. J. Plant Med 58:25-31.

3. Chien, M. H., Tsay, T. T., and Chen, P. C. 2014.The interaction between Rhabditis sp. and Meloidogyne incognita, Pratylenchus coffeae on banana. Plant Pathol. Bull. 23:99-108.

4. Lee, Y.T., Tsay, T.T., and Chen, P. 2014. The potential of fungivorous Aphelenchus avenae, Aphelenchoides composticola and Paraphelenchus acontioides on controling Rhizoctonia solani. Plant Pathol. Bull. 23:43-53.

5. Wu G-L, Kuo T-H, Tsay T-T, Tsai IJ, Chen, PJ. 2016. Glycoside Hydrolase (GH) 45 and 5 Candidate Cellulases in Aphelenchoides besseyi isolated from Bird’s-Nest Fern. Plos One.

6. Ying-Yu Chen, Pei-Chen Chen, Tung-Tsuan Tsay. 2016. The biocontrol efficacy and antibiotic activity of Streptomyces plicatus on the oomycete Phytophthora capsici. Biological Control 98:34-42.

7. Wang, W.-H. and Chen, P. J. 2020. First Report of a Pin Nematode (Paratylenchus dianthus) on Chrysanthemum in Taiwan. Plant Dis. Note:

8. Chen, Y. C., Hsu, J. K., Lin, Y. C., and Chen, P. C. 2020. The correlation between biological characteristics and nematicides susceptibilities of three nematodes from different habitat niche. J. Plant Med. 62 (1): 13-20.

9. Chang, C. W., and Chen, P. C. 2020 Identification of Bursaphlenchus rainulfi (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchiae), a new record pine wood nematode species in Taiwan and its pathogenicity. J. Plant Med. 62(3):31-39. 

10. C.C. Liang, C. W. Chiu, and P. J. Chen*. 2021. First Report of a Sheathoid Nematode (Hemicriconemoides litchi) on Longan in Taiwan. Plant Disease. 105(8):2256. (SCI)

11. Y-N. Chen, Dong-Hong Wu, Mei-Chun Chen, Pei-Chen Chen*. 2021. A Simple and Economical Method to Induce Sporulation of Pyricularia oryzae. Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Research. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 70(1):1-10.

12. Pei-Hsuan Wu, Tung-Tsuan Tsay, Peichen Chen*. 2021. Evaluation of Streptomyces saraciticas as soil amendments for controlling soil-borne plant pathogens. The Plant Pathology Journal. 37(6):596-606.

13. C. C. Liang, and P. -J. Chen*. 2022. First Report of Root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii on Poinsettia ‘Luv U Pink’ in Taiwan. Plant Disease. 106 (6):1764. 

14. J. -T. Ho, C.- C. Liang, and P. -J. Chen*. 2022. First Report of Root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii on Cockscomb (Celosia argentea var. cristata) in Taiwan. Plant Disease. 106 (7):2000. 

15. Jung-Kai Hsu, Chia-Wei Weng, Jeremy J. W. Chen and Peichen J. Chen*. 2022. The ACE genes in Aphelenchoides besseyi isolates and their expression correlation to the fenamiphos treatment. Scientific Reports. (2022)12:1975

16. Che-Chang Liang, Yi-Ping Tzeng, and P. Janet Chen*. 2023. First Report of a Root Lesion Nematode (Pratylenchus brachyurus) on Cassava in Taiwan. Plant Disease. (Accepted 1/16)

17. Cheng-Kuo LaiYi-Chien LeeHuei-Mien KeMin R. LuWei-An LiuHsin-Han LeeYu-Ching LiuToyoshi YoshigaTaisei KikuchiPeichen J. Chen*Isheng Jason Tsai. 2023. The Aphelenchoides genomes reveal substantial horizontal gene transfers in the last common ancestor of free-living and major plant-parasitic nematodes. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2023;23:905-919

18. Lee, Sook-Kuan; Liao, Pin-Zhe; Lin, Chih-Yu; Chen, Hung-Wei; Hsieh, Meng-Shan; Lin, Ya-Ping; Chen, Yi-Ju; Hong, Jia-Heng; Chiang, Yi-Ling; Cheng, Chiu-Ping; Chen, Pei-Chen Janet*; Lee, Cheng-Ruei; Yang, Jiue-In; Ting, Hieng-Ming. September 2024. Wild mungbean resistance to the nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii involves the induction of phenylpropanoid metabolism and lignification. Physiologia Plantarum. 2024;176:e14533. (SCI)

19. Ying-Yu Chen, Tung-Tsuan Tsay, Peichen Chen*. September 2024. Assessing the compatibility of Streptomyces saraceticus with pesticides and the efficacy in controlling root-knot nematode. Journal of Phytopathology. 172: e13385. (SCI)


We are constantly training students to identify plant parasitic nematodes and helping the government to conduct field surveys. The research topics in my lab are very diverse, ranging from the new species identification to nematode disease management in the field. In the Molecular aspects, we use molecular tools to help identify nematodes, so basic PCR techniques are trained here; we are also interested in finding various functional genes in PPN that are responsible for nematicide resistance, parasitism genes etc.  On the side topics, we are also interested in using nematodes as bioindicators for environmental pollution. Currently, we have 2 PhD students, 3 master students, and 1 lab Assistant. 

Research Topics

Nematode morphology and molecular identification; IPM of Plant parasitic nematodes in Taiwan on vegetable crops, citrus orchard and ornamental crops; Genes involved in the parasitism process focusing on the clade 10. 


2023 NCHU Distinguished professor in Extension service II

2024 NCHU Distinguished professor in Teaching I

Educational Background

1995 B.S. National Chung Hsing University, Plant Pathology

2002 Ph.D. University of California, Riverside. Plant Pathology