National Chung Cheng University

Human Resource Development

Bella Ya-Hui Lien

Research Field

Management、Technology Management


Dr. Bella Ya-Hui Lien is a professor currently appointed as the Dean of the College of Management at National Chung Cheng University in Taiwan. Her research interests are focused on organization development, training & development, career development, and knowledge management. Her research has been published in esteemed journals such as Small Group Research, Personnel Review, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of World Business, Journal of Career Development, Human Resource Development Quarterly, and the Journal of Knowledge Management, among others.  After graduating from the University of Minnesota in 1999, she joined National Chung Cheng University, a prestigious and research-oriented institution in Taiwan. Here, she serves as a professor in the Department of Business Administration and as the chairperson of the Institutional Review Board of the Human Research Ethics Committee. In addition to her dedicated teaching, her research plans include connecting with scholars from other disciplines to build a diverse research environment related to employment issues.

Her current research activities integrate human resource development, adult education, psychology, and cultural perspectives. These include organizational effectiveness, knowledge management, tacit knowledge management transfer, individual differences affecting the workforce, and career counseling and employee assistance in the workplace.

Dr. Lien's accolades include the Outstanding Paper Award (2009) for an article published in the Journal of Knowledge Management (JKM), the Teaching Excellence Award (2009-2010), awarded to 5 out of 400 faculty members in the university, Research Recognition Awards (2010-2011) in the College of Management, Service Excellence Award (2014) at the university level, and Best Paper Awards for articles published in Management Studies (2012) and Sun Yat-Sen Management Review (2022) (Chinese).

 As an  professor, my role at the department of business administration is not only teaching human resources related classes but also serving as a coordinator of the teaching committee. The business administration department includes five programs: (a) general management, (b) operational management, (c) financial management, (d) marketing, and (d) human resource management. As a coordinator of the teaching committee, my main role is to cooperate with my colleagues to create, develop, and evaluate appropriate programs and to seek a better connection between practice and theory in business administration.    However, the department of business administration and institute of business administration provide undergraduate level and graduate program for both academic-oriented students and business practitioners.  We provide a four-year undergraduate program, MBA program, and doctoral level program.  We also have an Executive MBA program for those business practitioners who only can attend school during evening and weekends. 

Research Topics

Since I joined National ChungCheng University, I have cooperated with other professors both inside and outside of the school to develop and implement several projects. Currently, the funding is for learning experiences in Taiwanese learning organizations.  Other research projects include training and development, selection and placement, performance evaluation, organizational development, and marketing in human resource development.

My plans for the research are to connect with other disciplinary scholars to build a diverse research environment and consider the employment-related issues.  When today’s workforce become globalized, an interdispline research team will bring rich source to help the result of the research on HRD issues.  In addition, since Taiwan has become internationalized, more companies than ever before in Taiwan are joint venture.  They are not only had companies in Taiwan but also have subsidiary all over the world. There are some HR issues in these multinational companies.  Some of my future projects will focus on comparison of HR related issue in these multinational companies.

My currently research activities and plans are combined with human resource development, adult education, psychology, and cultural perspective.  They can be divided into several parts: (a) Organizational effectiveness-- which include building a learning organization and using organizational development intervention plan strategically (b) international HRM--which include management development related topics, cross-culture, expatriate training and development of employment (c) adult education issues in organizations (d) individual difference such as personality and job performance issues in the workforce and (e) career counseling and employee assistantship in the workplace .


Outstanding Paper Award, for an article published in the Journal of Knowledge Management (JKM), 12(6), 84-100. The JKM outstanding paper award is granted to the paper that makes the most significant contribution out of the articles that have been published in 2009.

Teaching Excellence Award, for outstanding achievements in teaching during the period of 2009-2010. Awards are granted to the 5 faculty out of 400 faulty in the university.

Research Recognition Awards, for outstanding achievements in research during the period of 2010-2024. College of Business and Management at Chung Cheng University

Service Excellence Award, for outstanding achievements in services in 2014. Awards are granted to the faculty who service as administration work with significant contributions in the university.

Best Paper Award, for an article published in the Journal of Management (Chinese), 29(3), 279-305. The Best paper award is granted to the paper that makes the most significant contribution out of the articles that have been published in 2012. This paper also awarded for 2014 UNI business and management best paper award. 

Educational Background

B. Sc. in Applied Psychology,  Fu-Jen CatholicUniversity, 1990

M. S. in Human Resource Development,  Dept. of Vocational Education, Pittsburg State University, 1994

Certificate in Counseling Psychology,  Dept. of Education,  University of Missouri at Kansas City, 1995

Ph. D. in Human Resource Development/Adult Education, Dept. of Work, Communication, and Family Education,  University of Minnesota, 1999