School of Gerontology and Long-Term Care, Taipei Medical University

Motor Control and Rehabilitation Technology Lab

Li-Fong Lin

Research Field



Dr. Li-Fong Lin is an Associate Professor in the School of Gerontology and Long-Term Care at Taipei Medical University, Taiwan. He also serves as the Director of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Center and is a physiotherapist at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei Medical University. Dr. Lin completed his Master's and PhD degrees in Biomedical Engineering at National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan. His research expertise encompasses rehabilitation technology(Wearable device, Robotics, Virtual Reality), balance function, gait analysis, and the management of neurological and geriatric conditions, such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, dementia, and aging-related health issues.

As the use of these technologies continues to advance, they have shown immense potential in promoting functional recovery for various populations, including athletes, older adults, and individuals with neurological or musculoskeletal conditions. Through these innovations, real-time data collection is improving physical activity assessments and interventions, enabling more personalized treatments. Specifically, Prof. Lin explores the . These technologies are especially valuable in treating conditions such as stroke, traumatic brain injuries, dementia, and musculoskeletal impairments. VR integrated with wearable devices provides immersive, interactive environments to enhance physical activity training, which offers great promise for addressing the needs of individuals living with disabilities, a group that comprises approximately 15% of the global population. In addition to wearable and sensing devices, Prof. Lin’s research seeks to develop effective, evidence-based interventions by utilizing advanced methodologies such as longitudinal studies, randomized controlled trials, meta-analyses, and robotics. These studies target special populations, particularly older adults and individuals with chronic conditions such as sarcopenia, frailty, and COPD, as well as those with neurological impairments.

The aim is to create a strong, evidence-backed foundation for implementing cutting-edge technologies to improve healthcare, sports science, and rehabilitation outcomes. Prof. Lin’s work contributes to the growing body of knowledge that merges technological innovation with practical applications in the fields of healthcare, physical rehabilitation, and sports science.





The Motor Control and Rehabilitation Technology Lab focuses on integration of wearable devices, robotics, and sensors into rehabilitation and healthcare, with particular emphasis on gerontology and physical therapy. Students participating in this program will learn to 1) application of neurophysiological technologies (such as EEG, EMG, HR, and VO2MAX), biomechanics tools (like force plates and sensors for balance and gait), and virtual reality (VR) systems; 2) use clinical assessment tools to objectively measure various health outcomes; 3) conduct a quantitative empirical research including quantitative data analysis and writing research reports. 

This program is research-based. It is particularly suitable for master's students or individuals with a master's degree. Before applying, please email the following information for preliminary review:
(1) Curriculum Vitae (CV)
(2) Research Proposal
(3) Expected start date and program duration

Research Topics
  1. Traumatic brain injury
  2. Stroke
  3. Dementia
  4. Balance
  5. Gait
  6. Rehabilitation
  7. Wearable Device
  8. Robotics

  1. 2023 國科會大專生專題研究計畫『研究創作獎』指導教授
  2. 2023 臺北醫學大學111學年度優良教材/教案獎競賽『第一名』
  3. 2023 數位發展部112年度公益創新徵案100案『入選』第二階段
  4. 2023 數位發展部112年度公益創新徵案100案『入選』第一階段
  5. 2023 醫策會 112年度國家醫療品質獎 智慧醫療類智慧解決方案組教學研究領域『標章』
  6. 2022 臺北醫學大學110學年度優良教材/教案獎競賽『第二名』
  7. 2022 臺北醫學大學110學年度自主學習計畫競賽『入選』
  8. 2022 部立雙和醫院 創新教學競賽『佳作』
  9. 2022 教育部XR實境教育創意大賞競賽『佳作』
  10. 2021 部立雙和醫院 全人教案競賽簡報組『第三名』
  11. 2021 部立雙和醫院 多媒體教案競賽創意組『佳作』
  12. 2021 臺北醫學大學 師生聯合學術研究發表會優秀論文獎「佳作」
  13. 2021 臺北醫學大學 校級新進教學優良教師獎
  14. 2021 信義公益基金會 高齡議題集點子大賽網路人氣獎
  15. 2020 衛生福利部國民健康署 健康素材徵選團體影片組「銅獎」
  16. 2019 部立雙和醫院 第九屆研究論文暨海報競賽「第二名」
  17. 2019 輔仁大學管理學院 學術獎章「經濟部工業局銀牌獎」
  18. 2018 新北市政府衛生局 第7屆醫療公益獎「醫事教育研究獎」
  19. 2017 中華民國生物醫學工程學會 「年度優秀論文獎」
  20. 2017 衛生福利部第六屆提升全人醫療暨整合服務研討「口頭報告優選第三名」
  21. 2017 衛生福利部 第三屆「優良醫事人員獎」
  22. 2017 臺北醫學大學‧部立雙和醫院 「醫事優良臨床教師」
  23. 2016 臺灣ICF研究學會 第六次ICF學術研討暨論文發表大會「口頭報告優選第二名」
  24. 2012 臺北醫學大學‧部立雙和醫院 「優良臨床教師」

Educational Background
  1. PhD & MSc, Department of Biomedical Engineering, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan
  2. BSc, Department of Physical Therapy, China Medical University, Taiwan

2 Vacancies

Job Description

[Note] Master's students or individuals with a master's degree in healthacre (medicine, nursing, rehabilitation, public health, biomedical engineering, biomechanics, sport, exercise…etc) are preferred.

  • Data analysis
  • Writing up research proposal
  • Manuscript preparation
  • Obtained healthcare knowledge

Preferred Intern Education Level

Master's students or individuals with a master's degree in healthacre (medicine, nursing, rehabilitation, public health, biomedical engineering, biomechanics, sport, exercise…etc) are preferred.

Skill sets or Qualities

Proficient English speaking and writing skills
Interested in the following topics: Rehabilitation technology(Wearable device, Robotics, Virtual Reality) of neurological disoreder (such as stroke, traumatic brain injury and dementia), Balance function, Gait analysis, and aging-related health issues.