Ming Chi University of Technology

Battery Research Center of Green Energy

Rajan Jose

Research Field

Materials Engineering


Professor Rajan Jose is a Chair of Energy and Battery Technology in the Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan and is a senior Professor in the Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA), Malaysia. He is the Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Springer Nature journal Materials Circular Economy. He has served as the Dean of Research (Technology) of UMPSA during Feb 2016 – Aug 2019 besides serving as the Member of Senate and Graduate Council of UMPSA. 

He has investigated nanostructured perovskite ceramics for microwave and superconducting electronics during doctoral research at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Trivandrum, India and has received PhD degree in the year 2002. He has contributed to the science and engineering of diverse range of materials including inorganic and organic semiconductors, polymers, metals and alloys, materials for molecular electronics, biomaterials, glasses, and glass ceramics. He was employed as a scientist at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (India), AIST (Japan), Toyota Technological Institute (Japan), and the National University of Singapore (Singapore) before joining UMPSA during March 2010. From 1 August 2024, he works as the Chair Professor of Energy and Battery Technology at the Battery Research Center for Green Energy, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan. He has published over 370 papers in the Web of Science (Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Analytics) indexed journals which are cited over 21000 times with an h-index of 73 according to Google Scholar database. He holds 25 patents. He has supervised 6 Postdoctoral, 31 Doctoral, and 11 Master’s researchers. Elsevier and Stanford University rank him as a top 2% Materials Scientists in the world since 2020. His current research interests include renewable energy devices, sustainable materials, circular economy, data science, and artificial intelligence.

Established on December 18, 2012, the Battery Research Center of Green Energy (BRCGE) of Ming Chi University of Technology (MCUT) is a unique organization which focuses especially on the research and development of future green energy technologies for industries. At the initial stage, the center has invested 2.7 million US dollars in its 1,300 square meter floor area for building, remodeling and facility installation.

The principal researchers consist of faculty members from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and Departments of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. The BRCGE currently includes a center director, two managers, an administrator, a technician, and a few postdoctoral research members. There are two divisions: Battery Research Division is responsible for planning and carrying out research projects and Industry-University Service Division is responsible for operating and maintaining the center's facilities and helping with administrative affairs.

The goals of the BRCGE are to offer consultancy services to industries and to develop new technologies for industrial demands. The facilities of BRCGE are also expected to open for industrial users. By doing these, we hope to provide better service and have better connections with battery industries.

The research involved at BRCGE can be classified into four directions:

1. Inorganic materials

2. Organic and polymeric materials

3. Battery development

4. Battery applications and system design


Research teams

Team 1 is to carry out the research in developing advanced lithium-ion batteries. Current focus is on the syntheses and characterizations of LiFePO4 and related materials.

Team 2 is developing DMFC and PEMFC materials and components such as catalyst, electrolyte membrane, and membrane electrode assembly (MEA).

Team 3 will devote on the applications of batteries such as electric scooters, electric vehicles, and battery management systems (BMS).

Industry-University Service Division is responsible for general administration affairs and the communications between industry and the center. It is also responsible for the operation and maintenance of the center’s instruments and equipment.


Research Topics
  1.  Electrodes, electrolytes, and separators as well a for secondary batteries including (i) metal - ion batteries, (ii) metal- sulfur batteries, (iii) metal - air batteries.
  2. Process engineering for battery materials
  3. Structure - property correlation in battery materials 

  • Top 2% materials scientists in the world compiled by the Stanford university since 2020. 
  • Ranked top # 5 Materials Scientists in Malaysia by Research.com
  • Panel member, Vaishwaik Bharathiya Vaigyanic Summit (Vaibhav), Govt of India 2 – 30 Oct 2020.
  • Plenary and Keynote lecturer for over 30 National and International Conferences/Seminars/Symposia 
  • Distinguished Scholar Award (Anugerah Cendekia Bitara), UMP 2010 – 2020
  • Visiting appointments at several international universities / institutes

Educational Background

•           Doctor of Philosophy (PhD):  Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)/ Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India (2002)

•           Master of Science (Physics): Andhra University (1995) (First Class with Distinction)

•           Bachelor of Science (Physics): University of Kerala (1991) (First Class)

•           Pre-Degree Course (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics):  University of Kerala (1988) (First Class)

•           Secondary School Leaving Certificate: (Govt. of Kerala, India) (1986) (First Class)