National I Lan University

AI-Microgravity in MFC LAB

Chung, Cheng-Ying

Research Field

Emerging/Other Fields


Name: 鍾政英(Chung, Cheng-Ying)

Job Title: Assistant Professor


“Application of AI,”

AI-Microbial fuel cell in microgravity or space in simulation (exciting)




Bioelectrochemical Systems (BESs), like microbial Fuel cells, leverage microbial metabolic processes to either produce electricity by degrading organic matter or consume electricity to assist metabolism and can be used for various applications such as energy production, wastewater treatment, and bioremediation. Given the intricate mechanisms of BESs, the application of artificial intelligence (AI)--based methods has been proposed to enhance the performance of BESs due to their capability to identify patterns and gain insights through data analysis. 

Research Topics

Bioelectrochemical Systems (BESs), like microbial Fuel cells, leverage microbial metabolic processes to either produce electricity by degrading organic matter or consume electricity to assist metabolism and can be used for various applications such as energy production, wastewater treatment, and bioremediation. Given the intricate mechanisms of BESs, the application of artificial intelligence (AI)--based methods has been proposed to enhance the performance of BESs due to their capability to identify patterns and gain insights through data analysis. 

# Now, my research is interesting in the field of microbial fuel cells applied AI in microgravity conditions whose study will be under the support of Professor Chin-Tsan Wang, and all of the TEEP students need to stay in his lab when staying at NIU.#


  1. Non-invasive holistic health measurements using pulse diagnosis: I. Validation by three-dimensional pulse mapping, European Journal of Integrative Medicine
  2. Non-invasive holistic health measurements using pulse diagnosis: II. Exploring TCM clinical holistic diagnosis using an ingestion test, European Journal of Integrative Medicine
  3. Neural Network Study for Standardizing Pulse-taking Depth by the Width of Artery, Computers in Biology and Medicine
  4. A Study of Pressure Measuring Instrument Based on PVDF, SENSOR LETTERS



Educational Background

PhD:  Electrical Engineering in National Cheng Kung University

Master: Mechanical Engineering at National Central University