National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Railway Transportation Research and Essential Education (RAILTREE)

Chen-Yu Lin

Research Field

Emerging/Other Fields


Chen-Yu Lin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Transportation and Logistics Management at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. Dr. Lin’s research interests include data-driven train accident analysis, rail hazardous materials transportation, railway system safety and reliability, shared-use rail corridors, railway resilience, and railway climate change issues. Dr. Lin has published multiple journal papers and conference proceedings in the field of railway transportation and quantitative safety and risk analysis. Dr. Lin has actively participating in practical project in collaboration with the government and industry to address timely issues in railway transportation. Furthermore, Dr. Lin has established strong international connections with other outstanding scholars in railway transportation with active collaborations. Dr. Lin obtained his bachelor’s degree from National Taiwan University in Taiwan and a Masters and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the United States, all in civil and environmental engineering. 

Railway Transportation Research and Essential Education (RAILTREE) is the first railway-focused research lab in the Department of Transportation and Logistics Management at National Yang Ming University. RAILTREE conducts research and practical projects related to railway safety, climate change issues, rail hazardous materials transportation, system reliability and resilience, and other emerging topics.  RAILTREE collaborates with domestic and international research teams in railway transportation, offering a wide range of opportunities for students to explore timely and important railway research topics.

Research Topics

Current and ongoing research topics in RAILTREE include:

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of railway climate change adaptations
  • Quantitative risk assessment and modeling of rail hazardous materials transportation
  • Multi-attribute railway accident consequence modeling
  • Railway incident-induced train delay analysis
  • Interface safety analysis of railway operation

Previous completed research has resulted in the following publications in high quality SCI journals:

Djordjevic B., Krmac E., Lin C-Y., Fröidh O., and Kornejad B. (2024). An Optimisation-based Digital Twin for Automated Operation of Rail Level Crossings. Expert Systems with Applications, 239, 122422 (SCI). 

Blumenfeld M., Lin C-Y.*, Jack A., Abdurrahman U.T., Gerstein T., and Barkan C.P.L., (2023). Towards measuring national railways’ safety through a benchmarking framework of transparency and published data. Safety Science, 164, 106188. (SCI). 

Lin C-Y.*, Blumenfeld M., Gerstein T., Barkan C.P.L., Jack A., and Abdurrahman U.T. (2023). International Benchmarking of Railroad Safety Data Systems and Performance – A Cross-Continental Case Study of Six Countries. Journal of Rail Transport Planning and Management, 26, 100384 (SCI) 

Kang D., Zhao J., Dick C.T., Liu X.*, Bian Z., Kirkpatrick S.W., and Lin C-Y. (2023). Probabilistic risk analysis of unit trains versus manifest trains for transporting hazardous materials. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 181, 106950. (SCI) <Outstanding Paper Award>

Kirkpatrick S.W., Lin C-Y.*, Iannacone L., Gharzouzi P., Treichel T.T., Barkan, C.P.L., and Gardoni P., (2023). Derailment Analysis for Prediction of Damage and Probability of Release for Novel Railroad Tank Car Designs. Transportation Research Record, 2677(5), pp.812 – 828 (SCI) 

Lin C-Y.*, Liu X., Kim J., and Barkan C.P.L., (2022). General model of the effect of hazardous materials car placement in trains and their probability of derailment. Transportation Research Record, 2676(10), pp.28 – 37. (SCI)

Lin C-Y.*, Saat M.R., and Barkan C.P.L., (2022). Semi-Quantitative Risk Assessment of Adjacent Track Accidents on Shared-Use Rail Corridors. Journal of Rail Transport Planning and Management, 24, 100355 (SCI) 

Zhang Z., Lin C-Y., Liu X.*, Bian Z., Dick C.T., Zhao J., and Kirkpatrick S.W., (2022). An empirical analysis of freight train derailment rates for unit trains and manifest trains. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit (SCI)

Lin C-Y.*, Saat M.R., and Barkan C.P.L., (2020). Quantitative causal analysis of mainline passenger train accidents in the United States. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 234(8), 869-884 (SCI). 

Lin C-Y.*, Saat M.R., and Barkan C.P.L., (2016). Fault tree analysis of adjacent track accidents on shared-use rail corridors. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2546, 129-136 (SCI). 


The PI of RAILTREE, Dr. Chen-Yu Lin, has been awarded the following since the establishment of this lab:

Outstanding Paper Award – Committee AT040: Hazardous Materials Transportation at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., United States, January 2024. (Paper title: Probabilistic risk analysis of unit trains versus manifest trains for transporting hazardous materials)

Thesis Writing Scholarship – Advisor of Three Students, Preparatory Office of National Railway Museum, Ministry of Culture, Taiwan, October 2023

Distinguished Award for 2022 Fall Semester Featured Course (Innovation Category): Statistics I, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan), September 2023

NYCU Outstanding Mentor Award (2022), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan), September 2023

Best Paper Award – 2023 International Heavy Haul Association Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. August 2023. (Paper title: Quantitative Analysis of North American Railroad Train Collisions)

Best Popularity Award - Advisor of Student Team of the 8th Climate Change Innovation Competition, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, May, 2023

Yushan Young Fellows (Administrative Support Grant Award), Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2021-2026

Educational Background

Dr. Chen-Yu Lin obtained his bachelor’s degree from National Taiwan University in Taiwan and a Masters and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the United States, all in civil and environmental engineering.