National Chin-Yi University of Technology

AMTSL (Advance Multiscale Thermofluidics Laboratory)

Bivas Panigrahi

Research Field

Energy Technology


PI is currently working as an assistant professor in the Department of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Energy Engineering at National Chin-Yi University Technology.

AMsTL (Advance Multiscale Thermofluidics Laboratory) provides 3-D printed solutions in thermal management at the micro to macro scales through flow control systems. We develop flexible heatsinks, fluidic facdes and air-purifier for public places.

Research Topics

PI's multi-disciplinary background spans in the fields of Mechanical, Refrigeration and Biomedical Engineering with specialization in Fluid Dynamics. His research interest’s lies in Multi-scale thermal management, Energy efficient fluidic window, Microfluidics, flow engineering and 3D-printing in HVAC engineering components.



  1. Panigrahi, B. *, Pramod Vishwakarma, Gung Bayu Aji AlamSaputra (2024) “Dynamically transparent microfluidic layers for adaptive thermal management and energy efficiency in smart façades and windows” Energy & Buildings, NSTC 111-2221-E-167-016  (SCI, 5-YEAR-IF =  6.6, 11/181, 9%, Civil)
  2. Luo, W. J., Pramod Vishwakarma, Panigrahi, B.,* (2024) “Towards Greener Buildings: A Review on the Role of Fluidic Windows with Embedded Microfluidic Channels for Energy Saving in the Building setups International Journal of Green Energy, NSTC 111-2221-E-167-016  (SCI, 5-YEAR-IF =  3.1, 20/76, 74%, Thermodynamics)
  3. Luo, W. J., Pramod Vishwakarma, Panigrahi, B.,* (2024). Synergistic thermal and hydrodynamic effects in 3D-printed heat sinks with intricate microchannel patterns. Microfluidics & Nanofluidics. (SCI, IF = 2.3, 16/40, 19%, Physics, Fluids & plasmas). NSTC 111-2221-E-167-016
  4. Panigrahi, B., Chang, C. W., Hsieh, W. C., & Luo, W. J. (2024). Heating and Defrosting Performance Assessment of Dual-Source Heat Pump Operational Modes Under Various Ambient Conditions. Journal of Building Engineering, 109359. (SCI, IF = 6.4, 13/139, 19%, Civil).
  5. Maurya, S. N., Luo, W. J., Panigrahi, B., Negi, P., & Wang, P. T. (2024). Input attribute optimization for thermal deformation of machine-tool spindles using artificial intelligence. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 1-22.


  1. Luo, W. J., Pramod Vishwakarma, Panigrahi, B.,* (2023) “Hydrodynamic influence on thermal management of flexible heatsink devices embedded with out-of-plane intricate microchannel design” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, NSTC 111-2221-E-167-016 (SCI, 2-YEAR-IF =  6.782,5-YEAR-IF =  5.49, 3/63, 4.76%, Thermodynamics)
  2. Panigrahi, B., Wang, H. W., Luo, W. J., Chou, Y. C., & Chen, J. J. (2023). Comparative analysis of the static and dynamic dehumidification performance of metal-organic framework materials. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 1-16. (SCI, 5-YEAR-IF =  2.12, 38/87, 46.6%, Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes) 
  3. Hatamian, M., Panigrahi, B., & Dehury, C. K.* (2023). Location-aware green energy availability forecasting for multiple time frames in smart buildings: The case of Estonia. Measurement: Sensors, 25, 100644. NSTC 111-2221-E-167-016


  1. Luo, W. J., Pramod Vishwakarma, Chen-Chien Hsieh, Panigrahi, B.,* (2022). Microfluidic modular heat sink with improved material characteristics towards thermal management of flexible electronics,Applied thermal engineering , (SCI, IF = 6.7, 13/177, 8%, Mechanical). [As an Independent PI]
  2. Horn-Jiunn Sheen†; ., Panigrahi, B †; Tsung-Rong Kuo†; Wei-Chen Hsu; Chih-Ting Lin; Pei-Shan Chung, Yu-Jui Fan.*, “Electrochemical biosensor with electrokinetics-assisted molecular trapping for enhancing C-reactive protein detection, Biosensors & Bioelectronics(2022). (SCI, IF = 12.54, 2/76, 2%, Biophysics).「† Equal contribution as leading author 
  3. Sahadevan, V. †, Panigrahi, B. †, & Chen, C. Y. (2022). Microfluidic Applications of Artificial Cilia: Recent Progress, Demonstration, and Future Perspectives. Micromachines, 13(5), 735. 「† Equal contribution as leading author

Educational Background

Ph. D in Mechanical Engineering, NCKU

2 Vacancies

Job Description

Design Development of 3D printed transparent fluid window 

Preferred Intern Education Level

Mastes or Ph.D

Skill sets or Qualities

Computational Fluid Dynamics, Machine Learning