National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

Vaccine Enginerring Laboratory

Chun Yen Chu

Research Field



Chun Yen Chu, veterinarian, PhD, graduated from the biological sciences department, National Sun Yat-Sen University in 2001. From 1983-2005 she worked in Taiwan animal vaccine company, as a manger of R&D department. Since 2005, she has become the professor and director, Graduate Institute of Animal Vaccine Technology, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST). Specializes in the development and application of animal vaccines and adjuvants, the research results have been published in vaccine journals, got 13 important patent certificates and a number of vaccine manufacturing licenses, with 35 years of practical experience.

Animal vaccine industry has been playing an important role in ensuring antibiotics-free livestock. To facilitate the latest development of this industry, this program provides world-class professional training by involving international faculty and expert researchers. The syllabus is designed to foster the development of new technology, the training of competent researchers, and the technical transfer of developed vaccine technology from the laboratory to the production line. This program highlights the integration of research projects and facilities to accelerate the speed of technology development. With solid training, the graduates may choose to continue research work in academic institutions, research units, vaccine companies, or even hospitals. Other workplaces include feed companies, drug manufacturers, equipment companies, farms, etc.

Research Topics

Animal vaccine and adjuvant development

  • Hsian-Yu Wang, Wan-Chen Chang, Min-Chia Wu, Jiahorng Liaw, Ai-Li Shiau,Chun-Yen Chu* (2023, May). Oral VP2 DNA vaccine adjuvanted with cyclic peptide nanotubes induces a virus-specific antibody response in ducklingsagainst to goose parvovirus. . Veterinary Quarterly, 43(1): 1-9. (SCI, 4/156,Veterinary sciences Q1). MOST 109-2321-B-006-015. 
  • Min-Chia Wu, Hsing-Chieh Wu, Jai-Wei Lee, Wan-Chen Chang and Chun-YenChu* (2023, Mar). A protein-based subunit vaccine with biological adjuvants provides effective protection against Pasteurella multocida in pigs. VeterinaryResearch., (2023) 54:17. (SCI, 9/156).
  • Uudamsaikhan Gundegmaa, Odbileg Raadan, Hsing-Chieh Wu, Hsian-Yu Wang,Min-Chia Wu, Chun-Yen Chu* (2023, Mar). Recombinant hexon protein as a new bovine adenovirus type 3 subunit vaccine candidate.  Journal of Veterinary Research, 2023, 67. (SCI).
  • Li-Ting Cheng, Chun-Yen Chu, Hung Vu-Khac, and Thu-Dung Doan (2023, Jan). Signal sequence contributes to the immunogenicity of Pasteurella multocida lipoprotein E. Poultry Science, 102:102200. (SCI, 7/62).
  • Kamonpun Chuekwon, Chun-Yen Chu and Li-Ting Cheng (2022, Dec). N-terminus of flagellin enhances vaccine efficacy against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae. BMC Veterinary Research, (2022) 18:279. (SCI, 25/156).
  • Min-Chia Wu, Thu-Dung Doan, Jai-Wei Lee, Yi-Ting Lo, Hsing-Chieh Wu, Chun-Yen Chu* (2022, Oct). Recombinant suilysin of Streptococcus suis enhances the protective efficacy of an engineered Pasteurella multocida toxinprotein. Research in Veterinary Science, 151 (2022) 175–183. (SCI).
  • Min-Chia Wu, Yi-Ting Lo, Hsing-Chieh Wu, Hsian-Yu Wang, Chun-Yen Chu* (2021, May). Cross-protection of recombinant Pasteurella multocida toxin proteins against atrophic rhinitis in mice. Research in Veterinary Science,137:138-143. (SCI, 32/141 veterinary science).
  • Yi-Ting Lo, Fiona Tulloch, Hsing-Chieh Wu, Garry A. Luke, Martin D. Ryan,Chun-Yen Chu* (2021, Mar). Expression and Immunogenicity of Secreted Forms of Bovine Ephemeral Fever Virus Glycoproteins Applied to Subunit VaccineDevelopment. Journal of Applied Microbiology. (SCI, 64/156,Biotech & Applied Microbiology). MOST 107-2313-B-020-011-MY3.
  • H.-C. Wu, W.-C. Chang, M.-C. Wu, H.-Y. Wang and C.-Y. Chu* (2020, May). Assessment of immunization regimens of duck Riemerella anatipestifer vaccines. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2020, 1-8. MOST 105-2313-B-020-011.
  • May Phonvisay, Jai-Wei Lee, Jhong- Jie Liou, Hsian-Yu Wang, Chun-Yen Chu* (2019, Dec). Evaluation of long-term antibody response and cross-serotype reaction in ducks immunised with recombinant Riemerella anatipestifer outer membrane protein A and CpG ODN. Journal of Veterinary Research, 2019, 63.DOI:10.2478/jvetres-2019-0066. (SCI, 85/140, Veterinary Sciences).
  • Li-Ting Cheng, Yu-Jing Zeng, Chun-Yen Chu*, Hsian-Yu Wang. (2019, Sep). Development of a quick dot blot assay for the titering of bovine ephemeral fever virus. BMC Veterinary Research, 15:313. (SCI, 20/140, Veterinary Sciences).
  • Hsing-Chieh Wu, Jai-Wei Lee, Jin-Jie Lin , Hsian-Yu Wang, Chun-Yen Chu* (2019, Jan). A DNA Priming and Protein Boosting Immunization Scheme to Augment Immune Responses Against Parvovirus in Ducks. .  Journal of Applied Microbiology. , 126, 49-57. (SCI).

Educational Background
  • 2020–present: Professor & Director, International Degree Program in Animal Vaccine Technology, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology.
  • 2016–present: Distinguished Professor, Graduate Institute of Animal Vaccine Technology, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology.
  • 2011–present: Professor, Graduate Institute of Animal Vaccine Technology, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology.
  • 2011–2017: Professor & Director, Graduate Institute of Animal Vaccine Technology, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology.
  • 2008–2011: Associate  Professor, Graduate Institute of Animal Vaccine Technology, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. 
  • 2005–2008: Assistant  Professor, Graduate Institute of Animal Vaccine Technology, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. 

1983–2005: Manger of R&D Department, KB Animal Vaccine Company.