National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine

Main Campus Address: No. 155-1, Sec. 2, Linong St.,Beitou District, Taipei 11221, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Origin and the Past History

Mar., 1956  The 11th Executive Yuan Meeting passed the Chinese Medicine Educational Law Bill: set up Chinese medicine schools and establish research organizations.

1957  Established the Chinese Medicine Research Institute preparation office at the Nanhai R. Auditorium in Taipei City.

Otc. 22, 1963  The National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine was formally established, and appointed Professor Li, Huan-Shen to serve the Director.

Apr., 1979 Mr. Liu, Guo-Zhu took over the Director.

Apr., 1988 Professor Chen, Chieh-Fu took over the Director.

Jan., 1995 Rules of organization were passed by the Executive Yuan on Jan.17 and declared by Presidential Order on Jan.28, 1995 through Hua-Zong (1) Yi-Zi-Di No. 0645 for execution.

Feb., 2004 Ministry of Education Chief Secretary, Wu, Tsung-Neng acted for the Director concurrently.

Aug., 2004 National Cheng Kung University, Professor Wu, Tian-Shung took over the Director.

Aug., 2007 Academia Sinica, Professor Lee, Te-Chang took over the Director.

Oct., 2009 National Yang-Ming University, Professor Huang, Yi-Tsau took over the Director.

Jul., 2013 Organizational Act of the National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, Ministry of Health and Welfare was passed by the Executive Yuan, Republic of China (ROC) on Jul. 10 and declared on Jul. 23, 2013 through Yuan-Shou-Yan-Zong-Zi-Di No. 1022260532 for execution.

Apr., 2014 Dean of Department of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan, R.O.C., Huang, Yi-Tsau took over the Substitute Director.

Feb., 2016 Dean of School of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University, Guh, Jih-Hwa took over the Director.

Wen-Tai Li
2 Vacancies